Final Battle part 2

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(Your POV)
I crouched on the ground catching my breath, when I heard footsteps walking towards me, "Damn, how many bodies are there here, 30?" "50," you said standing turning your arm into a blade "I like to keep count." You said taking a stance again, "That's great, so do I; sadly I haven't run into anyone to kill untill now, let's see who will add to their death count." He said you saw the reflection of metal wrap around arm, "this is gonna be fun." He said as he you slashing at your arm.

(Soul POV)
"Maka, what the fuck is that?!" I yelled as I saw a giant black thing forming in the air, "If I had to guess: I'd say that's the kishin. He's trying to cut himself off from the world to spread madness with out a problem." She said running faster then before, "We gotta get there before it closes off or else we will never get in there again!" She yelled as she jumped over the rubble, "There, an opening!" I yelled. It was right I front of us, "It's going to close!" "We're going to make it!" She yelled as she jumped off the rubble barely making it through the small entrance in time. "We made it." She said as she hit the ground, 'jeeze; I really got a cool partner,' I thought as she started running again.

(With you 3rdPOV)
You raised your arm to block a kick, but he twisted his body at the last second kicking you in the side as the chains dug in sending you flying into the ground, skidding to a stop you hardened your blood around the wound as you stood up again panting, "Wow girly, I've cut I to you more times then I can count; how are you not bleeding?" Giriko asked, "could it be that you're the one that Lady Arachne's sister kidnapped a while back?" You didn't answer him, "interesting, I guess I'll go all out seeing I'm going to have to cut you in half to kill you. But it's such a waist, you really are cute." "Shut up, I thought we were fighting. Don't try flirting your way out of it." You said as you turned your hands into blades, quickly you lift your hand pushing his outstretched arm away kicking out turning you leg into a blade slicing his side as he jumped back. "Damn, that kinda hurt," "Good, you're gonna hurt a lot more after this." You said lunging at him quickly slicing at him as he easily side stepped your movements, suddenly he lashed out punching you in your stomach stoping your movements, taking g the opportunity he kicked at your side, sending you into a pile of rubble, gasping out you looked at your ripped shirt exposing the bandage, "Damn, I thought that would slice you up for sure." Giriko said as you stood taking a deep breath grabbing your stomach letting blood seep onto your hand as you slowly walked up to him, lifting your arm and softly punching him in his gut, "ahahah, is that all you got girly?!" He laughed as he backhand you sending you to the ground again. Getting to your knees, you looked up to see the dark blood on his shirt smiling you looked up at his face, "bloody needle." "What the hell did you s-guh!" He looked down to see his blood dripping from his gut as black needle points stuck out of his back. You slowly stood up and stuck your hand out letting a scythe form as your wounds started bleeding out, "You stupid bitch!" Giriko yelled as he punched at you, you quickly lift the staff blocking his attack and slice upwards slashing the front of his body making him stumble as more of his blood drenched the ground, but again he jumped at you, you quickly side step him and bring your scythe down on his back making him spit up blood, lifting your scythe again you felt the effects of the blood loss, falling to the ground you heard Giriko laugh weakly, "you killed yourself just to kill me? That's some det*cough-cough* determination, girly" you looked over at him, you slowly pulled yourself towards him leaving a trail of black blood behind you. Once you got close enough you turned your hand into a blade you reached over him and looked him in the eye, "my name isn't girly," you said as you stabbed him in his heart, "it's (YN), and now; that makes; 51" you said feeling the madness disappear from the air as you passed out, your scythe liquefying.

(Souls POV)
I watched as Maka punched Asura making his face crack untill he disappeared, causing the black ball and madness disappear with him, Maka turned to me with a worried look in her eye, "Soul go find (YN)!" She yelled as she ran down to me, "I can't feel her soul wavelength!" She yelled making me panic, "No it's there; but it is very faint." Kidd said, as soon as he said that I ran back in the direction that we left her. After a few minutes of running I came up to the bodies of the army we faced lying on the ground all dead, "(YN)!" I yelled out but I didn't hear anything but my heart pounding in my ears as I saw a splash of black amongst the red blood that was on the ground, I started running again looking at the ground to see if there was any more of her blood, and there was, every step I took there was more and more black blood on the ground until I came across a pile of it that looked like a scythe was painted on the ground in black paint and a trail that led to (YN's) body lying beside Giriko; I ran up to her and quickly felt for a pulse, *badump* letting out a sigh of relief I ripped off my jacket and tied it around her waist as tight as I could and picked her up bridal style and was about to start running when I saw Nygus and Stein standing a few yards away from me with medical bags, "Hello Soul, you guys did good today. Now; can you please lie (YN) back down so we can start closing her wounds." Nygus said as she and Stein walked up to me, "n-no, I gotta take her-." I stopped talking when I felt a hand on my cheek, looking down I saw (YN) smiling at me, "it's okay Soul, you can let me go." She said slowly I crouched to the ground and laid her back down Stein following suit checking her wounds, "She lost too much blood, even if we close her wounds it won't be enough." He said digging into his bag, "and she keeps bleeding out, I can't stop it." Nygus replied as she tried putting pressure on the slash wounds. "Wait." (YN) said reaching her hand out, I watched as the black blood that took a shape of a scythe slowly slid to her and seep into a cut on her wrist causing the rest of her wounds to stop bleeding out, "(YN) you promised you wouldn't use your scythe." Dr Stein said as he brought various items out of his bag, "yeah; sorry, but I had to or else I would be the one lying over there." She said looking over at Giriko's body, "Well I'm glad you're not; now please hold still, this might sting." Nygus said as she started stitching (YN's) wounds, "(YN) I need you to do something." Dr. Stein said grabbing her shoulder, "wait is it Stein?" She asked as she panted, "I need you to pull your blood back into your body. We can close your wounds , but we don't have any black blood to transfuse, and you don't have enough blood cells to recover; so what I'm saying is that you need to do this or else you will die." "Die?!" I yelled gripping my pants legs tightly, "yes Soul, I'm afraid so." Nygus said grimly as she continues her work, "I can, but I would need to resonate with you again Stein." (YN) said, "but I don't think I can with how week I am." "Just a small resonance will do?" Steins asked "yes but," "then that's what we will do, as long as I keep a constant flow of low Soul force it would be enough to let you pull your blood back into your body and not harm you in any way." Stein said holding his hand out to her.

(Your POV)
I looked at Steins out stretched hand, 'If I don't do this, I will definitely die, but if I do there is still a chance I'll die but,' "Okay." I answered grabbing his hand and felt the surge of energy enter my body through our intertwined hands; closing my eyes I concentrated on everywhere my blood was spilt in the area, "There is a lot, I'm going to need you to leave a wound open and point out which one so I can do this with out fail." "Okay, I'll leave this one open then." Nygus said pressing her finger on my hip, "Okay, Stein, as more of my blood enters my body you are going to slowly increase the amount of force you put into the resonance." "Right." And Soul." "Yeah (NN)?" "I love you." I said smiling up at him, "I love you too." He said stroking my hair gently, "Okay, here I go." I said closing my eyes again a mental map of the area started forming in my mind, slowly I saw all the drops of blood stream towards us, after a few minutes I felt the blood slide up my legs and arms and seep into the wound. "I-its to much, there is-isn't enough energy in my bo-" I felt a tightness in my chest and gripped Steins hand tighter, "She's going into cardiac arrest!" Stein yelled letting go of my hand, "(YN)! Hey open your ey-".

" (YN), (YN) sweety, open your eyes," I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light, "Hi sweetheart, it's been a while." "M-momma?" I stuttered out as I sat up from the tall grass, "yes baby, it's your momma," "b-but your dea-" "we are, and so are you, for now." "Pappa." I cried as I jumped up to hug them, but stopped as I felt an electric shock in my chest making me fall to the ground again, "I'm sorry (YN), but you're not supposed to be here yet." Momma said as another shock went through my chest, "I'm so glad you grew up to be a beautiful young woman." She said as a tear fell down her cheek, "You did so well in the war, I'm glad you found yourself." Papa said smiling at me as another shock went through me making my eyesight waver, "Mama, papa, I love you." I cried out as a shock made me fall, "we love you too (YN)." Papa said as my vision blacked with one last shock. Slowly I opened my eyes again back in the rubble with Soul, Nygus and Stein. "She's alive." Stein sighed as he fell back on his knees. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me, white fluffy hair tickled my neck and cheek "So-" "You promised you wouldn't die!" Soul yelled, his voice cracking at the end; I slowly wrapped my arms around him, tears rolling down my face, "I-I'm sorry S-soul." I cried as he pulled back to put his head against mine, "I'm so sorry Soul!" I cried out, "(YN)! Soul!" People yelled, looking up I got tackled in hugs, while everyone yelled incoherently in my ears, "HEY!" Stein yelled getting everyone's attention, "I'm sorry to break this happy reunion, but everyone here has to get to the infirmary; especially (YN)" he said giving everyone a look, "oh my, (YN) what happened to you?" Tsubaki asked looking at me in horror, slowly everyone looked down at my body, not even half of my wounds were stitched and bandaged, "Holy shit." "Umm, yeah. After I sent Maka ahead, I got sliced up pretty bad, especially after I ran into Giriko." "What where is he!?" Maka, "Giriko ISA lying over there, but we can talk about this back at the school. Now Soul can you carry (YN) please?" Nygus said putting everything back in her bag, "Yeah," he said picking me up bridal style, "I'm sorry I broke my promise Soul." I whispered closing my eyes, "it's fine seeing you came back to me." He whispered back kissing my forehead.

Okay people, this is the second last chapter... It was a good run, kinda, idk I hope you liked it so far! Okay, PCE!

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