Please Remember Me

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(Souls POV)
I sat in a chair in the white infirmary room as (YN) lied in the bed still uncontinence from Blackstar attack.
Flashback: after Maka and Blackstar "defeated" the demon sword, we all rushed to catch up with Kidd and the others, but we were to late, the witches were able to revive the kishin and madness was released into the world again. When we got back to the DWMA Stein was taking (YN) from the demon sword Crona. "Stein where are you taking (YN)?" Liz asked as she ran to the professor, "I am taking her to the infirmary, she will stay there untill she wakes up, after she wakes she will be going into the dungeons here in the school." Stein replied. "The dungeons! Why? She's the victim here professor Stein!" Maka yelled as she ran to stand up for (YN), "That mighty be so ms. Albarn, but she still helped the witches revive the kishin and nothing can change that." Stein said looking at us with emotionless eyes. "I'm coming with you Doctor, I have some information on our fight with her in the basement." Tsubaki said walking up to Stein, "very well" "hey, you can't go anywhere with out your God, Tsubaki!" Blackstar said chasing after the two.
End flashback.

(Your POV)
It was really cold, and my body was stiff, 'where am I? Where is mother and Crona? What is that sound?' I thought a opened my eyes seeing an extremely white room, "What the hell?" I said sitting up, feeling a weight on the right side of the bed. Looking over I see a head full of white hair, a DWMA weapon, I raised my hand to summon my weapon out of my body, but I felt a sharp electrifying feeling in my soul making me scream out waking the white haired boy.

(Souls POV)
I was woken up by a scream making me jolt up from my spot, to see that (YN) was a wake and looking at me with her beautiful (EC) eyes. "You woke up" I said trying to put my hand on hers, but she pulled away lifting her arm and screamed again as electricity wrapped around her body. "You can't use your weapon form at all" I said shifting my fingers through my hair. "Dr. Stein put some of his soul forse into your soul while you were asleep so you couldn't attack anyone. I thought you wouldn't need it, but I guess I was wrong." I said as looked at her directly. "I don't need my weapon." She said as she lunged off the bed at me bringing her leg up kicking me in the arm nocking me off of my chair.

(3rs POV)
After you kicked Soul you tried hitting him on one of his nerves to knock him out but he kicked your legs out from under you making you fall to the floor as Soul climbed on top of you trying to pin your arms down, but you brought your legs up and kicked him off sending him flying into the cabinet. Soul stood straight and charged at you throwing you onto the bed as he climbed on top of you pinning you down."stop it (YN)! I don't want to hurt you!" Soul yelled "How the hell do you know my name!?" You yelled back making Soul freeze long enough for you to get your arm free to grab something from the table beside your bed, Dr. Steins dissecting blade. You lofted it up to souls throat, "get off of me." You said lowly, Soul got off of the bed and put his arms in the air in a surrendering motion. "Now how do you know my name?" You asked as you kept the blade between you two as you backed towards the door. "We are best friends (YN), you used to go here with all of us. (YN) please remember me, you need to, I need you too." Soul said as he took a step towards you. "I don't know who you are!" You yelled as you brought the blade up to slash at Soul, but fell to the floor unconscious as Stein fell behind you with his hand raised in a chopping motion. "Oh dear so that is were I left my scalpel." Stein said as he turned the screw in his head. "Well let's get her to Lord Death shall we." Stein said picking you up and walking out of the room, leaving Soul frozen in shock of what you just did. "She tried to kill me." Soul said as he fell against the wall a tear falling down his cheek.

Another chapter done, I'm so sorry Soul, I had to write it like this. I love you!!!!!

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