Waking up.

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 Hello Hi, hows it going I am back because this story  has to continue! Anyways I do not own Soul Eater or any of its amazing characters, even though I totally wish I did or else I would have ended the manga with Maka and Soul FINALLY kissing (because come on we all wanted that) anywayz enjoy. :)

Previously: "Come on, (YN) stay with me." I said as a black blade jabbed through the doors and impaled the Pink haired fuck.

(Your POV)

'It's so dark, my eye lids are so heavy, why do I hurt so much?' Flashback:  "NO!" I screamed as I jumped in front of Soul and Maka taking the blow of the attack from the Demon Sword. 'Oh, so I guess I'm dead, then. I lived a good life made great friends- oh look the light, I'm coming mamma and Papa.' I opened my eyes only to shut them again because of the agonizing bright light above my head. I slowly opened my eyes again, blinking a few times I realized heaven looked a lot like the DWMA infirmary. "(YN)?" I heard some say to my right. I slowly looked over to see Maka and Soul standing the doorway. "Oh no you guys are dead too." I said still feeling hazy, Maka only laughed and said "No, (YN), you're in the infirmary, Dr. Stein and my papa  showed up after you lost consciousness and fought with the Demon Sword and took care of your wounds." Maka explained as she took a seat in the chair next to your bed. "Oh, well at least I'm not dead then." Was the only thing I could say, making Maka look at you like you were crazy, but quickly smiled to try hide it. 'Nice try I already saw that ms. Albarn." I thought but instead I asked "How long have I been out?" "Two weeks." Soul said looking out the window. 'No way, I've been unconscious for two weeks. That's not possible.' I thought staring at my hands. "Yeah Soul and I have been coming here every other day  to see how you've been doing." Maka said giving me her huge grin, which I returned happily."I'll go tell the others that you've woken up, they're going to want to see you too." Soul said not looking at me ones, I watched him leave with a frown. 'I wonder what's bugging him?' I thought as he closed the door.

(Souls POV)

"Damn It!" I said as I punched the wall outside of the infirmary. 'She's awake and seems to be fine, so why am I so upset?' I thought to myself as i walked down the hall to go get Blackstar and the other so they could come see (YN).

(Time skip to basketball court (Still Souls POV))

As I walked down the stair to the court Patty spotted me and started waving getting everyone else attention and causing them to turn to see who she was waving to. Once everyone saw me they started walking to meet me in the middle of the court. "Hey Soul, I thought you and Maka were going to see how (YN) was doing today?" Kidd said "Oh my gosh nothing happened to her right?" Tsubaki asked worriedly, causing everyone's face to turn grim as they looked at me anxiously. "No, actually I came here to get you guys cause, she actually woke up not to long ago." I said causing everyone's faces to light up. "Well what are we standing around for lets go see her!" Blackstar yelled already running up the stairs, smiling everyone ran after him to go see (YN).

(Another time skip to the DWMA (3rd POV)) 

As everyone made their way down the hall they noticed Maka was stand in front of the infirmary looking at the floor. "Hey Maka what are you doing out here?" Liz asked as we got closer causing Maka to look up at us smiling she responded "Dr. Stein came in shortly after Soul left and said he had to do a quick check up on her, and after he left nurse Medusa came in and told me she had to talk to (YN) for a little while and asked me to wait out here." "|Oh, how long have you been waiting for?" Kidd asked "Not long act-" Maka was cut off by the door opening and nurse Medusa walking out but stopping short at the sight of everyone blocking her way. "Oh, hello everyone, are you here to see ms. (LN)?" Medusa asked the teens. "Yes, is it alright to go in and see her?" Tsubaki asked her. "Why yes , of course, just don't get her to worked up, alright?" nurse Medusa said. "Yes of course nurse." Kidd replied as everyone made their way into the room.

(Medusa's POV) 

'Hmm, it seems I found my self a new test subject.' It thought as I made my way down the hall way to my laboratory.

(Your POV)

As soon as nurse Medusa left Maka, Soul and  the others came and crowded into the room Liz and Patty came and attacked me in a bear hug cutting of my air supply momentarily saying thinks like "We were so worried" and "Stop acting so recklessly." While Tsubaki was trying to convince them to let me go. "She's turning Purple!" Tsubaki Yelled! Finally the girls let me go letting me gasp in a breath of air as they apologized for nearly killing me 'again' making me chuckle " It's okay you guys, honestly." I said with a smile on my face. "Hey of course you missed me! The oh so great Blackstar!" He shouted as he posed at the foot of my bed making everyone sweat drop as he laughed by himself, 'Jeez this guy will never change.' I thought as Tsubaki came up and gave me a hug. "I was really worried about you when I heard what happened, I'm really glad your okay." Tsubaki said with her sweet smile "Yeah, thanks Tsubaki, but see there was nothing to worry about, I'm totally fine." I said giving her a reassuring smile. "There now you don't have to worry  about this disorganized medicine cabinet." Kidd said admiring his work. 'umm, I think you were the only one bugged about that.' I thought to myself. "Thanks Kidd I don't know what I would do with out you." I said instead while trying not to laugh. As everyone was talking I looked over at the window to see Soul standing there again. 'I wonder what's on his mind? How long has he been like this? I should t-' "Hey (YN) we are thinking of throwing you a party after you get out of here at our place." Maka said interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah that sounds nice Maka." I said With a small smile. "Great" "Can't wait." "Better have lot's of food Maka." "looking forward to it." Everyone started making plans around me while Soul just stayed quite by the window.

(Souls POV)

'Damn it, I can't shake this feeling, what's wrong with me?' I thought to myself as I looked out the window not trying to think of what was bugging me while everyone talked laughed behind me. "Hey, Soul, what do you think about throwing a party for (YN) when she gets out?" Maka asked me. "Yeah sounds good to me." I said vaguely. "Sweet thanks Soul." She said walking up to (YN) to tell her. "Yeah that sounds nice Maka." I heard her reply. 'I wonder why I couldn't talk to her when she woke up. All I could think about was her taking that blow for me back in Italy. Is that's what's bugging me, do I feel guilty for her getting hurt?' I thought as I looked over at the others surrounding (YN) smiling and laughing with each other, but instead of her smiling face I got a flashback her pale face as she closed her (EC) eyes from blood loss. I quickly straightened up and started walking towards the door. "I'm heading home." I said as I walked out the door putting my hands in my jacket pockets.

(3rd POV)

"I wonder what's up; with Soul?" Blackstar asked out loud. "I don't know, but he hasn't been himself since we got back from Italy, he always has this look on his face when we're at home and he doesn't talk to me about it. I think he feels guilty about what happened to (YN), I mean I did to at the time, but then I realized there was nothing I could have don't to stop her from jumping in the way." Maka said while she looked at the door to her hands as she finished her sentence. Everyone looked at you with sad eyes, as yo looked at your hands sadly. "Come on every one it's getting dark I think we should head home you guys." Tsubaki said with a face smile plastered on her face. "Yeah, she's right you guys have classes tomorrow you should get going." you said looking at everyone with a small smile you kept on until everyone finished saying their byes and left, as soon as everyone your face fell and you thought back to the night in Italy.

(Your POV) 

'I was so scared and when I could move again all I could do was take the blow for Soul so he could fight with Maka until help came, I didn't want him to feel guilty for me getting hurt, I did because it was the most logical thing to do, jeez I really screwed up.' I thought as I flopped my self onto the bed covering my face with my blanket, ' I have to do something.' I thought as I fell asleep.

Ah Soul Don't feel bad it wasn't your fault! DX  Anywayz I hope you liked this  chapter please leave a comment and and don't forget to vote, okay bye  Soul loving people.  Peace! :D

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