Witch Medusa, Battle Begins.

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(3 POV)
You were walking down the street towards the academy when you heard a scream come from an alley a few feet in front of you, before your mind could decide what to do, you found yourself standing in the darkness with your arm and transformed, "damn, I'm reacting to fast again," you sighed to yourself as you walk a little further down. You came to dead end after a few minutes of creeping around, "well I guess there is nothing here." You said turning around leaving the alley, "must have been a stray ca-" "I'm not a stray (YN)" you jumped turning around to see Blair sitting on a trash can looking at her nails, "Holy shit! Damn it Blair, you damn cat don't do that to me," you said grabbing your chest, "well I'm sorry, but Soul told me to come get you. It's not my fault you're a little scardy cat." Blair said turning into a cat walking away with you following behind.

(3 POV)
Blair took you to a park that you haven't been to before and told you to wait there, "Ah, I've been here forever, where are those two?" You asked yourself, sitting on the grass, looking to around to see if anyone was around, "what the hell. Why would they want meat here, there is no one around." You say to yourself lying down looking at the clouds pass over head. "Hey (YN)!" You hear Maka yell making you jump up to see her and Soul walking casually up to you, "You guys ask me to come here and then make me wait, whats up with that?" You ask as the stood over you making a shadow. "Sorry but we had to go talk to someone first." Soul says giving Maka a look, "who?" You ask standing up looking between the two of them. "It was Madusa. She's alive, and a prisoner at the DWMA." Maka said looking at you seriously, you just looked at her shocked trying to possess the words she just said then looked at Soul to see if he could help you make sense of it, but he just looked pissed off, "That damn witch." You said running off, "(YN)!" Soul yelled after you while they chased after you.

(Time skip)
You ran threw the hallway, not slowing down untill you came a set of stairs leading down where you ran into Death Scythe and Dr. Stein with a little girl behind them chained from shoulder to her waist. "Where is she!?" You yelled grabbing Stein's coat, "where is who?" He asked back with a dead look in his eyes, not giving anything away, "Madusa. I know she's alive, and I know she's here. So where is she?!" You yelled again, pulling him down so you were face to face, and to your surprise, the little girl behind them just laughed from under her hair making you glare at her. "Oh sweet (YN), don't you recognize your own mother?" The little girl said smiling sweetly at you making you go wide eyed. Slowly you let go of Stein, and walked up to the little girl, "you're not Medusa. You're just a little gir-" "I took over her body, lured her in with one of my snakes. Aren't kids just easy? Trusting and so curious, always so. Curious." Medusa said smiling sadistically, contouring the girls face hideously, "you bitch!" You yelled swinging your hand to slap her, your arm got grabbed mid air by Death Scythe, "as much as I would like to let you hit her, you can't, that might be Medusa in there, but the body still belongs to the girl. I can't let you harm her." He said glaring at the small witch, "So what are you planing on doing to her?" You asked spinning around to look at Lord Death, "well at the moment, I can't do anything except keep her prisoner untill we can figure out how to get her out without harming the child." Lord Death said, "well, that will be easy," Medusa said sitting on her tail, "we just have to make a deal." "And what are you planning now you witch?" You asked glaring over your shoulder at her, "nothing you need to know girl, but I have information that you ALL want." "And just what would that be?" Death Scythe asked looking at her in the corner of his eye," "I know where the kishin is."

(Your POV)
"They let her go!?" Kidd yelled while everyone looked at me in shock. (Flashback) "how the hell would you know that?" Spirit asked "I have spies where they are keeping him" Medusa answered casually, "but I wasn't talking to you," she said looking at Lord Death "alright, tell me what you want for your information." Lord Death said walking (floating?) up to her, "I want to be able to walk free and not be bothered by your annoying school." "Like hell that going to-" "alright." "Lord Death!" I yelled looking at him in shock, "good choice, he is with my dear sister," "and where would that be?" "Arachne castle, I'll give you the coordinates how to get there, and once I do, I walk out of here never to be bothered by you, or anybody connected to ever again. Deal?" "Deal." (End flashback) "I don't know, but I'm going after her." I said clenching my fists, "you can't do that" Maka said grabbing onto my shoulder, "yeah, you're a dwma student. " Soul said, "not anymore," I said looking up at Soul, "I am no long a student of the DWMA, meaning I no longer have any ties to Lord Death." I said walking up to him as I spoke, "meaning father is still keeping his end of the deal." Kidd said looking at the ground in thought, "but you can't go alone." Soul said a pleading look in his eye, "and I'm not. Marie and Crona are also coming along." I said not looking away from souls gaze. "Crona? You're going with him?" He asked grabing your shoulders, "yes, I still don't trust him, but for this mission I need him. While I was working with Medusa, he and I where a team. Not even an army of the DWMA could take us down." I said remembering all of the things I did while I lost my memory, all the people I killed. "I'll be alright," I said grabbing Soul's hands, "I promise." I said pulling him down and kissing him, 'I don't know if I'll ever get a chance to do it later,' I thought letting him go and turning around, "I have to get going." I said running up the stairs, stopping at the top, "Don't die on me you guys!" I yelled "You either!" Maka yelled back, "Yeah! I wanna talk to you about what just happened!" Liz yelled waving with Patty, 'I won't, my blood will make sure of that," I thought as I ran to the edge of Death City. "I'm going to kill this witch and set things straight."

Aaahhhh, I gave you the strength to kiss him! Yosh, but yeah this chapter is complete, yay me. Hope you enjoyed it, because, it took me a long time to write it. But yeah like it, comment on how thought it was, and vote, PCE!

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