Rescue Party

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I don't own Soul Eater and blah blah b
Ah (ahah I don't say blah blahblah)

(3rd POV)
Everyone of the eat class was standing at the front entrance of the school waiting for Dr. Stein and Sid to explain what was happening and why classes were cancelled for the day. After waiting for half an hour the two teachers finally came out with their weapon partners. "Okay everyone, we have a mission regarding one of our students. Weapon (FN) (LN) was kidnapped by the Demon Sword and the witch Medusa." Dr. Stein said as he turned the screw in his head "And our mission today is to rescue (YN) from their hide out which scythe mister Maka has found with the help of Scythe weapon Soul. We will be invading in two groups, group a will be going with Stein and group b will becoming with me." "Alright everyone when your name is called you and your weapon partners stand over here, and if your name isn't called you go and stand next to Sid over there." Stein yelled as Sid walked to one side of the pavement. "Maka, Blackstar, Ox, Death the Kidd, Kim, Kilik, Kate, and
Davis. Please come over here so we can devise a plan, everyone else. Go Stan with Sid to hear what your duties are.

(Time skip 3rd POV)
Dr. Steins team was hiding behind a cliff while Sid's team got into position on the other side of the cave that Medusa was holding you in. "Maka how many souls can you see in there?" Soul asked while in weapon form, "O can sense 3 souls in there, one of them is (YN) but there is something different about it. It's like there is something clouding it, I don't know what though." Maka said while trying to concentrate more on your soul. 'Just wait (YN) we will save you.' Soul thought, "Okay everyone, Sid and his team are in place, do you remember the plan?" "Yes" "yeah" "you betcha" "roger" everyone every replied as they got ready to move. "Good now on my mark we move out... GO!" And with that team a was charging at the cave ready to fight who ever got in their way.

(Souls POV)
Once we got inside there were 2 paths, and one of them led to (YN), 'I'll save you (YN) just wait a little longer' "Okay you guys, Kidd, Ox, Kim, and their partners and I will go down the right tunnel; Maka, Blackstar and Kilik and your partners will go down the left tunnel, now remember to be-" "Stein we were ambushed by 7 witches and the demon blade, there's something else too" Sid said through the radio, " What is it!?" Stein asked pulling the radio off his waist "(YN) is fighting against the DWMA students. Sid replied as we all stood shell shocked '(YN) is fighting with the witches?' I thought.

(Sid's POV)
We were waiting for the signal from Steins group when a boy with pink hair walked out of the cave with a black sword in his hand. " be carful guys, it's the demon sword." I told the students as he lifted his sword. After a few seconds we heard an ear piercing scream making us all cover our ears, when 7 witches jumped up behind us taking out our flanks, "we've been ambushed" I yelled as I brought my knife ready to fight, when I saw some one else walk out of the cave, "it's (YN)!" One of the students yelled.

(Souls POV)
When Maka, Blackstar, Tsubaki, Kilik, Fire, Thunder and I finally made it out of the cave we were greeted by a sight that shocked us all. (YN) was fighting Sid with a black and (FC) scythe, (how did she get her weapon form to produce like that?" Maka asked "I have no idea, I didn't know weapons could do that." Kilik answered. "We can't, not unless we are possessed by something or someone else." Tsubaki said through the blade of her katana form. "So your saying (YN) is possessed by something?" Maka asked making my chest feel tight. "Possibly." "So I just have to hit her with my soul wave length and she'll go back to normal than." Blackstar said "yeah it should work" " Okay so Kilik and I will keep her distracted so you can hit her with you wave length okay Blackstar." Maka said tightening her grip on my staff (ahaha) "Okay" " right behind you" Blackstar and Kilik said getting ready to fight. 'Okay (YN) here we come.' I thought as Maka started running at her swinging me over her shoulder bringing my blade for down, as (YN) turned around bringing the scythe up blocking Maka's attack, while kicking Kilik as he tried hitting her with pot-o-thunder using him as a kickboard to make some distance between us as a witch came flying over us picking (YN) up as she went by. "The witches are retreating!" Sid said from some distance away. "Shit!" I said transforming out of my weapon form "what the hell is going to happen now?" Kilik asked as he walked up to Maka and I. "I don't know." Maka said as she looked at the direction (YN) was carried off in.

(3rd POV)
After one of the misamees (idk how to spell their name) dropped you off at a grey building you walked in slamming the door behind you. "Why did you pull me out, I was doing just fine!" You yelled "don't get so upset dear, it was only to test how strong you have gotten." Medusa said standing up from the chair she was sitting in. "You'll have your fun in a few days, font worry" she said squeezing your shoulders lightly. "Yes mother" you said smiling at her as you walked away.

Omg, what a great way to end this chapter, I hope you liked it

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