Chapter 2: Rosehill Acadamy

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The car stopped outside the Rosehill Academy and I took a moment to stare angstely out the window before I had to pay the cab driver.

I hadn't him the cash my parents gave me for the ride before getting out and taking my backpack with me.

The driver got out as well and got my suitcase from the boot of the car, put it next to me then went back to the car and drove off.

I still can't freaking believe they'd send me here, this is proof my parents had gone completely nutso, they've truly flipped.

I mean threatening your kid by saying you'll send them to an all girl christian boarding school is one thing but actually doing it is another.

I've done nothing that makes me deserve this, I've been as good as humanly possible, they should be proud I'm not a drug addict or a skank.

They seriously underlook my straight A's and usually very polite and quiet nature, they only see the bad things in me.

Then they punish me for what they see which is fricken ridicules because everyone has some bad in them.

There is no such thing as a perfect person even if they talk about Jesus and God all the time.

I walked over to the small booth by the gate (oh yes it's gated) and I talked to the man who operated it.

"Hey, uh, I need in. I'm new here and I'm supposed to talk to the headmistress or something." Well my brain was working beautifully today, look how intellectually superior I am right now.

"Name." He demanded and I guess that there was some kind of system do creepers didn't get in.

"Lainey." I automatically told him my nickname then realised it wouldn't be on the records.

"Elyria Colfort." I corrected myself and he gave me a look that said 'you're wasting my time.'

"What is is, Lainey or Elyria?" He sounded incredibly exasperated, I wonder how many people he's had to talk to today.

"Elyria." I gave him a final answer and he looked at the computer screen for a moment before nodding.

"Alright you're in, welcome to Rosehill Academy." He told me and I tried to smile before turning around and walking through the now open gates.

The school had a much longer driveway than really needed and it took me at least ten minutes to reach the office building.

When I entered the office the headmistress was already waiting for me with her hands clasped in front of her and the thoughtful expression.

"Hello, Elyria or was it Lainey you liked to be called?" I shook her hand and she gave me a warm smile, at least she's not mean.

"I like Lainey just fine." Nearly everyone called me it, except for my parents.

"I'm Miss Coping. It's very nice to meet you, I've heard so much from your parents." I hope she wasn't talking about me sneaking out, going to concerts and occasionally drinking.

"I've heard that you're have a very broad knowledge of history." I nodded, history was probably my best subject in school even though I got A's in all of them.

"When did the King Richard the Second die?" She asked me suddenly and I only had to think for a moment before the answer popped into my head.

"Sixth of April, 1189." I told her, absolutely positive that was the correct answer, I wouldn't give her one if it wasn't right.

Her smile got wider and turned into a beam while I stood there feeling uncomfortable.

I wanted to go to my room, set up my things then go to sleep for the next few days.

"Very good, I'll make sure you're put in advanced history." I was in advanced history at my last school and it was easy but I'm not telling her that.

"Alright well I suppose I should get you to your room. Your uniform is waiting there for you, the right size and all that." Great I have to have a uniform, I didn't need one back home and just wore whatever I wanted.

She gestured for me to follow her and walked of briskly with me almost having to jog to keep up which wasn't easy with my suitcase.

I always thought the headmistress would be mean, she was surprisingly excitable and nice but it didn't get me out of having to go to church everyday.

"Your roommate is currently in her classes but you'll meet her later on. Her names Iris, she's such a sweet girl, always helpful." So I was going to be sharing with a goody two shoes, that's gonna make things fun.

"It will take one or two days to sort out all your classes so you'll get a little while to settle in. You'll be attending church with everyone else though." Damn, I'd actually felt some hope for a brief moment.

"Until you figure everything out you'll have the school pastor to show you around." Dear lord no, I'd rather just get lost and never find my way back to my room.

"He's very nice and he works well with everyone here. None of the students have ever had a complaint, even the girls say how nice he is." Yeah, yeah I bet his just a freaking ray of sunshine, one that's more than likely to nag about praying all day.

I bet the priest is the only guy they have here, it's gonna be fricken awful not having any boys around.

I'm not exactly a slut but I do like to flirt every now and then, it made me feel happy to be able to screw with people's brains so easily.

No chance of that here, not unless I wanted to hit on some girls or the creepy old priest guy.

None of those choices seem nice to me so it looks like I'll be dying from guy deprivation.

"Years seven to ten are down the right corridor." She told me as we walked up a large set of stairs with her gesturing to everything like a tour guide.

"You're down the left corridor, with the elevens and up. How old did you say you were?" I didn't but I didn't think she meant it like that anyway.

"I'm sixteen, turning seventeen next month." I mumbled, getting distracted by my watch that seemed to have stopped.

"That's lovely, I hope you'll be spending your birthday with us." I friggen hope not, from what I've collected so far I hate this place even if the headmistress seems to be on happy pills.

I nodded with a fake smile to humour her and she stopped in front of a door then opened it for me with a key from her jacket pocket.

"This is your key, keep it on you at all times and if you lock it in your room, like many of the other girls have, there'll be a staff me member with a skeleton key who can help you." A million pranks ran through my head when she told me there was a skeleton key.

"Who has skeleton keys, Miss?" I asked her politely, as far as I'm concerned I'm gonna to make her think I'm the most perfect person here, at least for a little while.

"All staff members." It shouldn't be that hard to get hold of one then, just get a teacher distracted and grab it.

"Now this is your room and you'll be sharing it with, Iris. Feel free to decorate is as you wish as long as there is nothing infringing on the school rules. Nothing blasphemous, crude, lewd or violent." I think I have a couple of posters that aren't like that stuffed in my suitcase.

I looked around the room, the whole thing was white and plain with the only proof of someone living here being the pictures on the nightstand and the dark blue blankets on the bed.

"I should really be going now, I have a meeting I need to get to discussing the school play."

Please just save me from the misery I'll suffer and kill me now.

"Alright you'll need to talk to the pastor and I won't be able to take you there so set up your things and once you've finished leave this building, take a left and follow the path until you reach the church. Okay? Good." She didn't even wait for a response and left immediately with me still trying to remember what she said.

I think she said to start putting my room together, well I don't object to that.

This white cell needs a hell lot of colour to be liveable.

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