Chapter 14: Your Brain Gets Smart But Your Head Gets Dumb

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A Week Later


"It's snowing." Iris commented, looking out the window at the white flakes falling from the sky.

It'd just rolled over to December and it was snowing heavily, meaning one of two things.

Christmas would be with us soon and so would my birthday.

Most boarding schools would send their students home for Christmas, not this one. If the parents agreed to it the girls would stay at Rosehill, getting a temporary break from all their studies.

I'd called Mum and Dad, asking if I could come home, they'd said no.

I'll be staying at the school with two hundred other girls that didn't get to go home.

Iris had called her grandparents that she usually lived with and they told her she should stay here instead so at least I have someone to hang out with.

It was strange walking around the school now, it was a lot emptier than it's been before. Most of the time I could see at least ten students at once, now it was unusual to see two.

It's lonely.

That's the only way I can put it.

As many problems as I had with my parents, the grounding and the arguments, I still missed them.

On most Christmases we'd go shopping, visit some family, eat a whole bunch of meals. I even missed going to church with them, just a little bit.

When I talk about going to church though I mean the one near my home, not the one a couple of hundred metres away from the dorm.

I don't like the priest.

I really don't like him at all.

"When did you say your birthday was?" Iris asked and I looked up at her from the homework I'd spent the past half hour working on.

"The eleventh, seven days." I muttered, completing a math equation that was surprisingly easy.

"Are you going to do anything?" I rubbed out a mistake and sat up straighter, trying to focus on my work.

"No, I really don't want to do anything. Besides it's not like I have anyone to hang out with other than you." I shrugged, I'd never enjoyed my birthday that much and I don't know why, I guess I'm just weird.

"We could go shopping," she suggested, "and there's a movie theatre in town." I shook my head.

"Na, I think I'll settle with hanging around here, call home, listen to some music." God I sound boring, I'm not gonna even bother denying that.

"Come on, I thought you were the fun one out of the two of us." I was, I just didn't feel the perkiest of perky at the moment, I felt tired and drained.

"How about a birthday party?" I almost laughed at the thought of someone throwing me a birthday party.

"Who'd do that? Who would be invited? Where would it be held?" Iris realised she didn't have an answer to any of my questions and frowned.

"I think I could do something." She mumbled and I smiled at her, feeling bad for coming across as mean even though I was only being honest.

"Alright, if you think you can throw me a birthday party then go ahead, I won't stop you." I laughed just a little bit, no one would want to come to a party for me.

After all my time here I hadn't spent much of it with anyone and the few people I had talked to I'd done a very good job at making enemies with.

So far I was in a hate/hate relationship with Tiffany and all her friends, plus I wasn't on the best of terms with Father Way who I've ignored since he walked me to my room after the bar.

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