Chapter 6: You've Got To Be Kidding Me

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I stood up to see what was going on, the noise had come from the corner of the room and I jogged over to see two people on the ground.

At first I thought they might have just fallen over but after pushing my way to the front of the crowd I saw what they were actually doing.

One girl was completely laying into another, hitting and scratching her, with an open hand of course because no one seemed to know how to fight anymore.

My blood boiled at the sight of it and I immediately pushed the three people in front of me out of the way before stepping into the circle that'd been formed around the two girls.

No more, I refuse to watch that bitch hit that girl, it's irrelevant who started it, I'm ending it right now.

The teachers don't seem to care, actually the only staff member in the room that I've seen is Gerard and he's not doing anything.

"Get off her right now!" I yelled at the chick doing the hitting, I decided it would be only fair to give her a chance.

She didn't respond and continued to beat her up, that's it, I've never tolerated it in America and I'm not tolerating it here.

"Stop, it's a fuckin enough, off, now." I grabbed her by the back of her shirt and with one heave tugged her away from the smaller girl.

Still continuing her slapping rampage her hand collided with my cheek and I felt my eyes narrow, no one hit me.

It only took one quick punch before she was on the ground with blood trickling from her lip.

That'll teach her to pick on people smaller and if she gets up, may The Lord have mercy on her because I won't.

The people who'd formed a circle backed off a little when they realised I'd laid her out in one hit.

I didn't like being violent but I got angry seeing people get picked on, this is proof that there's no God, if he was real he'd help the weak.

"That's it girls, off to your rooms immediately!" I heard Gerard yell, feeling rather surprised he'd raised his voice.

Instantly everyone dispersed with some quiet talking over what had just happened, the only people remaining being the girl I'd punched, the one who'd gotten beat up and me.

Gerard walked up with his hands on his hips, looking disappointedly at the girl with the bleeding lip before changing to the one curled up on the ground.

He leant down and held out his hand to the girl curled up, offering to help her which was nice even though he was probably obligated to do it as the schools priest.

"Iris, are you okay?" He asked her, she uncurled herself and I felt my moth drop open, that's Iris?

She mumbled something as he pulled her up from the ground, a large bruise had formed across her cheek and it looked like it'd hurt.

He next helped up the other girl who seemed to be rather dazed after I'd punched her but not enough to stop her face from going bright red.

The moment she seemed safe standing up by herself he let go of her and she let against the wall, glaring at me.

Gerard pulled a yellow pad out of the inside of his jacket along with a pen and wrote on it for a moment before tearing a piece of paper off.

"A weeks detention for fighting and suspension from going off property for a month. I told you this would happen if you fought again, Tiffany. Now go to the nurse's office and get your lip checked out, after that go to the church and say a prayer." She'd originally been glaring at me but after being handed he was now the recipient.

Tiffany snatched it from him before muttering something angrily under her breath and shouldering me as she walked away.

I wanted to hit her again for it but managed to restrain it.

"Serves you right for hitting someone weaker than you." I called after her and turned back around to see a yellow piece of paper being held in front of me.

"Congratulations, your first day and you already have a detention." He said, handing me the slip of paper with a look of disbelief playing across my face as I read it.

"A weeks detention?!" I yelled, seeing the messily written words and not understanding why I got in trouble.

"It doesn't matter what circumstances you're in, fighting at this school is prohibited and you will be punished for it." This is complete bullshit, I'm getting in trouble for stopping a girl from being beaten up.

"Come to the church at six tomorrow, AM by the way. You can help me clean out the attic." He put the yellow pad away at the same time his hair fell in his face.

He brushed it away and looked up at me with his bright green eyes glowing while I frowned angrily.

Getting detention from someone that looked like him was like an iron fist in a velvet glove.

"Do you understand?" I clenched my jaw when he tucked his hair behind his ear, how dare he look cute when telling me I'd need to wake up at six to clean out a dusty old attic.

"Go screw yourself." I told him.

"Father Way." I added condescendingly before crossing my arms over my chest and walking away.

I'm going back to my room, I've had enough of everything for the moment and I need to get some sleep if I have to wake up at six.

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