Chapter 13: More Or Less A Complete Shit Storm

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"-and we all get together when we bury our friends. It's been ten fucking years since I've been seeing your face 'round here. And you're walking away, and I will drown in the fear."

I clapped with everyone else as the final song was played, it's such a shame it had to be sung by a priest and not just a regular band.

"Thank you very much, we hope to see you all again. This has been My Chemical Romance, goodnight!" He took a bow with everyone else before straightening and exiting through a door with some of the band.

I continued to lean against the wall, wondering how quickly they'd leave after finishing the show. They wouldn't stay here for ages but I don't think they'd leave immediately either.

I pushed off the wall and started walking towards the door, not being able to control the smile on my face.

I'd just put my hand on the door handle when a voice called out, stopping me from my evil plans.

"Miss, you can't go back there." The bartender called out, drawing attention to me.

"I just want to talk to the band for a moment." I explained and he crossed his arms over his chest, not looking impressed by my answer.

"No exceptions, only staff and acts are allowed back there. If you want to talk to the band then you'll have to wait until they come out." I don't like hearing the word 'no,' one bit and especially from someone who had no authority over me whatsoever.

"Naw man, she's cool." I turned when as hand reached over me twisting the handle and opening the door.

"Fine." The barkeep grumbled and I internally grinned, feeling the success of getting out of a somewhat sticky situation.

The guitarist walked ahead of me, pausing and holding the door open with a light smile.

Black hair hung over his face and I could only see a little of his eyes that were a dark shade of hazel.

Goddammit, why am I surrounded by good looking people?

"You comin' sweetie?" I nodded and stepped into the hallway, him closing the door behind me.

"What's your name?" He asked as we walked down the hall and I put my hands in my short pockets.

"Lainey, it's more of a nickname but that's what everyone calls me." I shrugged since it was no big deal in my book and gave him a huge grin because I was in a good mood tonight.

"Nice, I'm Frank." He waved even though it was completely unnecessary before switching the guitar case he was carrying to the other hand.

"I really liked the bands set, it was great." A thing I'd noticed while talking to him was that he's American like me and had the same New Jersey accent as Father Way.

"Thanks, how did you hear about us? We're not a very big band." I had to think to come up with something but I've been put on the spot before and I'm a good liar so it wasn't too hard.

"I'm a friend of Gerard's." I told him, that being the best excuse I could come up with, it was kinda true though so I wasn't lying that much.

"Girlfriend kinda friend or just friend?" He confused me briefly and I had to put my brain into use once more to understand.

"Just a friend." I mumbled, feeling awkward as heck because I was a talking above a priest who'd featured in many of my sex dreams.

"But you like him right?"

"N-no, I uh j-just-" My brain went full retard which was a level it should never go to, ever.

"You were watching the man all night, it's obvious you like him. Let me give you a word of advice." I just met him and Frank had already realised I liked Gerard, that was quicker than I thought possible.

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