Chapter 10: Hooray For Detention and Confusion

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Well, I'm now Wendy.

Fuck you Father Way.

To be perfectly honest I think I'd rather go to church everyday at like eight AM or something, oh wait I already do that.

Um, I'd rather have detention all afternoon today, nope I have to do that as well for telling the priest to go fuck himself after the auditions.

Here's one, I'd rather, fucking die.

Seriously, Wendy's what I consider to be one of the lost annoying characters ever.

For a start she's girly, she wears a nightgown all the time, I know it's the fashion of the day but it's still stupid.

Another is that she's so serious, she wants to grow up and be an adult, why would she want to do that when she can happily live in Neverland, being young forever?

I don't know, maybe I'm just bitching too much but I think it's all bullshit and now I have to play the character, wonderful.

Why would Father Way want to do that to me?

What have I ever done to him?

I would have happily played The Narrator, I get to stay backstage, out of the spotlight, I could have done it in my pyjamas if I wanted to.

I don't get that bloody option now.

No I have to play a sissy character who had no personality whatsoever and I don't get to turn down the role.

I actually hate Gerard more now than I did when he gave me detention for the first time.

The worst part was the goddamn look on his face when he said those cursed words, 'actually, I think she'd make a beautiful Wendy,' I don't care if he said 'beautiful' I don't want the role.

Ugh, I'm so angry I want to hurt something or someone, I don't care who or what it is, I just want to stop the boiling of my blood.

Normally if I was feeling upset I'd call one of my friends up and rant to them about wherever my problem was. They'd listen and they'd care but I can't do it here.

Sure I know Iris but imagine her trying to listen to me rant, she'd be terrified because I can get very passionate about certain topics.

For example we have the rant I've been going over for the past twenty minutes about how much I hated getting detention and how I planned to kill almost everyone in the school play.

I didn't deserve detention, I hardly did anything at all, sure I told Father Way to go fuck himself but it was just one little swearword, it's not that bad.

I need out, I need a temporary break from the school and the tossers in it but I'm pretty sure I can't just go off grounds when I have detention to serve.

If I tried really hard then I guess there's a chance I could sneak out, I don't care even if the punishment of getting caught would be huge.

What the worst thing the school could do, I already have detention and I'd just get more anyway.

Besides, aside from the fact I want to kill him from inflicting me with the role of Wendy I don't have that much of a problem spending an afternoon with Gerard.

What would I do with a whole afternoon of detention now anyway?

I helped him clean out the attic, I can't really think of anything else I could do.

"Ugh, I just want to strangle him!" I growled, making the gestures you'd associate with asphyxiation while Iris stared at me as if I'd gone mad, which I was on my way to.

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