Chapter 25: I Won't Go Down By Myself But I'll Go Down With My Friends

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I turned around and looked at Gerard shocked that he'd just said that. It's perfectly fine for me to play the hero and admit I'm pregnant but it's not okay for him to say he's the father, especially since he can go to jail. My heart felt like it was going a million miles an hour and I couldn't tell Gerard to take it back or say something else because the room had gone dead silent and everyone would be undoubtedly be able to hear me.

I thought I was panicking when I read the test and found out I was pregnant but this is even worse, I seriously feel like I'm going to have a heart attack or throw up, this is not good for the baby and not good for Gerard because I can't believe he said that.

"Pardon?" Archer blinked a couple of times, not processing what she was hearing, like everyone else who had more than likely gone into shock from hearing the words, 'it's me, I'm the dad' from the goodie-goodie, priests lips.

Gerard didn't immediately reply and I got the feeling he was just as surprised by what he said as everyone else was. Iris had frozen to the point of looking like she was a statue and Luka was giving him a wide-eyed stare that very clearly said 'are you nuts, what the fuck is wrong with you' which I couldn't disagree with even if I wanted to.

"I said-" Luka walked over and put a hand on Gerard's shoulder, silencing him before he said anything else and got both of us in deep, deep shit.

"Father Way," he started in a tired voice, "you shouldn't cover for me. Lainey and I made a mistake and we shouldn't lie about it. Honesty is the best policy as they say, thank you though." Gerard and I were both confused by what he was saying at first but slowly I came to the realisation that Luka was taking the bullet and covering for us.

Luka moved away from Gerard and came closer to me before putting an arm around my waist, "Lainey and I have been going out in secret since we started working on the play together. We didn't want anyone to know because her parents sent her here to get everything in order and she was worried they wouldn't approve of her having a boyfriend." I nodded, not knowing what to do and still trying to come out of the daze I'd entered when I thought Gerard had outed himself in front of at least half the school.

"Lainey, is this true?" Miss Archer asked, looking it me and I nodded for a second time, not sure what I was supposed to say so I just stock to minor head movements since they seemed like the safest bet.

"Everyone, either return to your afternoon tasks or go to your rooms. If I hear any whispering about this I will make sure the gossip is sufficiently punished." Miss Coping who had apparently been in the room the whole time said, standing directly at the foot of the stairs and taking complete control of the situation before everything got out of hand.

Wanting to escape from the trouble Luka and I immediately started walking up the stairs, along with Iris and Gerard who had a confused expression and didn't seem to know what to do. He'd basically jumped off a cliff and had someone grab him and drag him back to the ground before jumping off themselves.

"Luka and Lainey, not you. You two are coming to my office immediately." I stopped walking and looked at Gerard, mouthing to him 'explain everything' and discretely pointing at Iris, she should know that Luka had seriously thrown himself on a grenade.

Doing as asked we followed Miss Coping across the grounds, leaving the dorm behind and struggling to keep up with her brisk pace. I almost felt sorry for the headmistress, as far as she knew her teenage nephew had gotten a teenage student of her own school pregnant, it would be horrible from her end of things.
"Luka, how could you? And Lainey, I thought you were such a sweetheart, how could you subject yourself to something like this?" Miss Coping said so quietly it didn't even seem like she was talking to us and it was obvious she was still trying to come to terms with the surprise and I had my own little shock bubble I was dealing with.

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