Chapter 5: Fan-Bloody-Tastic

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After the nurse had seen to my ankle and given me a cold pack to put on it she concluded that it wasn't a sprain and I'd just hurt it a little when I fell over.
It'd be okay in the morning and the cool pack was to keep down any possible swelling that might occur.

Gerard had stayed with me, talking the whole time to the nurse and completely ignoring me even though I tried to start a conversation a few times.

I wanna know what's up with him, I don't know what it is exactly but he gives off this weird vibe, I can't explain it.

Oh well, I shouldn't push my luck, so far he's the only good looking guy on campus and I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Still, when I'd met him in the church he was really nice and talkative, enough to make me feel chatty and now that I wanted to talk to him he was ignoring me.
The hell, dude?

Aren't priests supposed to be nice all the time to everyone?
Is there something I'm missing because that's what it feels like right now.

While they'd been talking I stood up and went to the door, it was getting dark. I remember him mentioning something about dinner time being at six and I didn't know where the dining hall was.

I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day and I really wanted to go and get something because I don't think they had room service.
I tried clearing my throat, seeing if he'd respond to that which he didn't at all and continued to talk.

"Gerard." I said his name quietly, hoping he'd hear me the first time and I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

He either didn't hear me or ignored me and continued chatting to the nurse while I stood there with my arms crossed and my ankle throbbing slightly.

"Gerard." I repeated, feeling slightly weird about calling him by his first name, at all the churches I'd been to you always had to say 'Father' first.

"Excuse me, Father Way." I said sarcastically, now that just felt completely inappropriate, it was weird calling him Father Way and I didn't like it one bit.

As much as I didn't like it, it seemed to work and Gerard turned around to look at me, a light smile playing across his face.

"Yes?" It was annoying how polite he could be because it made me feel worse for thinking mean things.

"Can you show me where the dinner hall is so I can get something to eat?" He mumbled something to the nurse before nodding and slowly walking over to me.

I opened the door and walked out with him following me, to be honest I could have probably figured out by myself where the hall is but I wanted to look at him just a little longer.

He was slightly ahead of me as we made our way down the path and without his face to distract me I noticed what he was wearing for the first time.

Skinny leg jeans and a leather jacket, is a priest even allowed to wear those?
Shouldn't the school be really pissed off because of that and isn't a priest supposed to wear trousers and a really boring jacket?
That's what I'd learnt from church anyway.

And he's wearing black boots as well.

It's like you've found a rockstar and put a priest collar on him, along with a disturbingly pleasant attitude when he's feeling talkative.

Now with my brain finally wearing off from the shock of realising that I'd be perving on the guy performing the schools daily mass I got to think like me again.

How come he gets to dress like that while I'm stuck wearing a boring uniform?
If I don't get to wear my sneakers I swear to God I'm going to murder someone, so far the only thing going for this school is him.

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