Chapter 12: Beyond Busted

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By the next day I was still trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

I understood that a very cute English guy was going to be playing the main role of Peter Pan but Father Way's reaction got to me.

He's a priest, a man of the cloth and he seemed to be jealous, that was the only way I could describe it. Of course I'd never seen a guy get jealous over me before, most didn't seem to care enough.

They probably thought I was too much effort, too outspoken or not girly enough.

Luka liked me though and that was nice even if I was just imagining the priest was interested in me.

Did I truly want to have Father Way thinking of me romantically?

Wasn't that insane or ridiculous?

Weren't the dreams I had already bad? I knew I'd be going to hell, should I really want to push it so far as to want him to want me?

Can't I be a normal girl with a normal interest in normal boys?

No that was just too damn difficult I had to like the most unattainable person in existence.

I'm not even sure if I genuinely like Gerard or just want him to notice me. I don't want to be ignored by people, no matter who they were and his rather cool attitude towards me was infuriating.

I've succeeded in capturing his attention, I should stop now.

Whatever I was doing I needed to stop.

I need to quit doing things that he could give me detention for. So basically it meant I had to keep my mouth shut and not swear at him.

It was much easier said than done though.

I was still fuming on the inside from being forced to play Wendy. There were so many words I wanted to use on him but I had to keep them to myself.

On top of everything I still had the image of his smirk burnt into my brain. It was a perfect concoction of teasing and gorgeousness that made me want to slap him.

He was a horrible priest and I know at first I couldn't tell if he was aware that he was doing it but I was now positive it was intentional.

I almost wished he'd quit, almost.

If Father Way were to leave the school I'd lose my main source of entertainment because as much as he'd tease me I'd tease him too and we both knew it.

There would be these strange tense moments between us and I lived for them whether I wanted to admit it or not.

Whether it was the tiny fall I'd taken while leaving the gazebo or him studying the bruises on my knuckles it'd always get to me.

A knot would form in my stomach and my mouth would go dry along with my brain babbling without pause as if it were on drugs without me knowing it.

Sometimes I failed to understand how my own body worked, it'd put me through a whole bunch of shit and I'd be left reeling, still trying to catch up.

As cute as I thought Luka was I didn't feel the same around him. Sure I'd get ditzy and do all that blushing stuff but I didn't want him to take me on the floor of the church confessional.

Actually I'd be horrified if he tried that.

On the other hand if it was Father Way, well I've never been faced with that situation but I'd know what to do.

As much as my parents liked to believe I had a chaste till marriage rule I had done it once and it wasn't all that pleasant but at least I can say I've done it.

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