Chapter 18: The Adventures of Dry Mouth the Buzz Girl

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Christmas Day


After the events in the confessional Gerard and I took every possible moment to be together.

Whether it was me remaining at the church after mass or sneaking out of the dorm and meeting him in the gazebo. We both knew what we were doing was completely wrong but we chose to ignore it anyway.

It didn't seem like it could be real and when I really thought about it, it was almost funny.

A priest who hooks up with a school girl in secret.

It's like the bad premise for a porn movie for heavens sake.

Who's gonna show up next?

The pizza guy?

Sometimes I wonder where my life would be if I didn't go to that concert and my parents didn't send me to this school.

I'd probably be a lot more normal and well balanced and I probably wouldn't be waiting for the end of my life with a one way ticket to hell.

Another thing that was funny about my life was that I was completely right when I said that Father Way would be going to hell with me.

Heck, he's gonna be leading.

What I'd done, I could kinda be forgiven for that but he's a priest and he took a vow to God to remain chaste.

I didn't take any vows and I wasn't a virgin when we did it anyway so he's more to blame.

Some part of me feels guilty for sleeping with him, like I've disappointed my parents but the second I feel his mouth against mine all the feelings go away.

We didn't care at all and I knew what we were doing would continue until I left the school or we got caught.

I liked to believe we wouldn't get caught.

I could only imagine what my parents reaction would be if the headmistress were to call them up and say I'd been sleeping with the twenty four year old school priest.

Well I guess if you wanted to be technical about it we didn't really sleep together.

The second we'd finished I'd leave, maybe have a shower then if it was nighttime I'd go to bed.

The interesting part was that I thought he'd have the same attitude towards it as me. That we were fooling around and nothing more, no emotional attachment, just sex.

But no, every time we finish he'd ask me to stay and like always I'd tell him no and leave.

The original impression I'd gotten was that he didn't want to be involved any further than sex.

A relationship is not what I'm planning to get myself into, not under any circumstances.

Maybe if he wasn't a priest and he was a normal guy instead but he's not so it's quite obvious we won't be going on a date anytime soon.

What would he do if we were to go on a date?

I can't imagine going out to dinner or watching a movie, when I think about it I don't even know what he's like as a person.

He's never told me about his life before he moved to England and it's obvious by his accent that he grew up in America.

I know he likes David Bowie, smoking and rock music but that's about it.

Then again he doesn't know everything about me either other than what he can find in my school file.

So it's basically a draw when it comes to who knows more about the other person.

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