Chapter 26: I Somehow Hate Mornings More

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18th, January


It only took a day for everyone in the school to hear about the American boarder who'd gotten pregnant to the nephew of the headmistress or that's at least how it went for most who didn't know the truth, the exception being only two people, my best friends.

It's amazing how quickly things can change, one moment I'm dealing with having a little crush on a priest as the worst case scenario then it suddenly jumping to me expecting a child, it's a little more than most teenagers had to worry about, exams and hanging out at the mall for example. One of the most interesting things I thought about the whole situation is how everyone will come up and ask me about it, names, gender, whether or not I was planning to keep it. It was reasonable for Iris and Luka to ask those questions and expected from Gerard but as far as I was concerned it was none of anyone else's business.

One of the things I remember reading out of the Rosehill Academy brochure on my way to England was that you're supposed to be polite to everyone at all times. Lets put it this way, when people start asking if then can pat my stomach I'm not put into the best of moods, if anything I want to start slapping everyone in sight.

I'm a couple of weeks pregnant at most, I'd have to be at like three months before anyone would even have a chance of guessing. I almost want to wear a sign around my neck that says 'don't fucking touch me' so I don't have to explain every damn time why someone can't pat my stomach.

Of course I have worse problems to deal with than the simple issue of personal privacy. For example, if you look to your left you will see that I've been abandoned by my parents and to the right you'll see that I'm trying to find a place to live which at the moment will be with the school priests/my baby's father's brother.

Speaking of the whole trying to find a place to live thing, I'm now getting up at eight in the morning on a fucking saturday because Gerard's decided that it'd be best to go visit his brother who I could be possibly moving in with at a ridiculous time in the morning.

I never knew it was possible for me to hate getting up early more than I already do but apparently I can.

I've got jeans that aren't fitting right, my hair refuses to hang the way I want it to, I'm wearing my last clean shirt because it's laundry call today and now that I've put on makeup I'm worried I'm gonna get another bout of morning sickness as start throwing up. I've got a freaking emergency bucket under my bed because I can't guarantee that I'll make it to the bathrooms on time, this is not what I expected from pregnancy.

You hear about pregnancy on tv and it sounds like fun, glowing skin and fawning over baby outfits but from where I'm standing it's nothing like that, just suddenly wanting to throw up when you weren't even feeling sick in the first place.

I've only got the sucky part of being pregnant, anything good's a no-show and I know I'll have a lot of problems to deal with when I get even more pregnant as well, like a big belly and all that bladder stuff, not having my clothes fit...I can think of so many things that I won't be enjoying but at the same time it is just a little bit exciting.

I finished getting dressed by pulling on my Led Zeppelin jacket and sneaking quietly out of the room, hoping that Iris wouldn't wake up and start asking a whole bunch of questions about where I was going and what I was planning to do. The most I'd talked to her about me visiting Gerard's brother was just saying that I'd be going out and wouldn't be back for a couple of hours which she responded to by asking if I'd be back in time for the concert.

It was pretty obvious the concert was tonight, I definitely hadn't forgotten about it and even if I tried to there was no way Iris was going to let me. She'd been talking about it nonstop and had apparently forgotten that she was supposed to be the shy one in the friendship so I tried to smile, nod and agree when I was able to get a word in edgewise.

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