Chapter 4: One Little Slip

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With him showing me around I decided that maybe boarding school wasn't so bad after all.

Sure there were the girls that would undoubtedly be bratty, I couldn't listen to my music at top volume and I couldn't leave whenever I felt like it but, hey!

At least there's some eye candy.

Eye candy that is completely oblivious as to just how good looking he actually is.

He also happens to be a complete goody two shoes which is fricken wonderful (note the sarcasm).

The one priest at an all girls boarding school who isn't a pervert or at least a bit off centre, just my luck.

Ever since he finished showing me around the church he's been talking about the schools history, dodging topics left and right whenever I tried to talk about something other than the school.

He actually looked annoyed when I interrupted him but it's not my fault, I was getting bored.

The only thing he would talk about when I asked was the church, that he'd gladly keep spurting facts on.

"Hey, Gerard, I've got a question." I said to him halfway through the tour, he responded with a sigh before turning around.

"What?" He didn't sound annoyed, just a bit exasperated since I'd basically asked him the same question in five different ways a couple of minutes earlier.

"How long have you worked here for?" I asked him, stuffing my hand in my jeans pockets and admiring his gorgeous face while he thought.

How on earth could someone that good looking and beautiful end up working at a place like this.

He could be a model or an actor or anything better than this job if he wanted to.

"About two years. Long enough to know every nook and cranny of the place and I've got a pretty good idea of what the students are like as well." When he said that a name popped into my head, my new roommate, I wanted to know about her.

"Do you know Iris?" I got the feeling she was gonna be annoyingly helpful or at least that's what I'd gotten from the headmistress but you never know.

"Yes, she's very polite, comes to mass everyday. She keeps to herself if she can and doesn't get along well with the other girls but she's helpful if you ever need anything." So Iris was one of two things, a bully or a victim, that's what I got from what Gerard said anyway.

"This is the gazebo as you can obviously tell, not many people come out here since it's quite far away from the school." Gerard gestured to the rather large gazebo in front of us that would have been beautiful once.

Now it's old with chipped and peeling paint, the boards you can see look weathered and the space that would have originally been open had been boarded over.

I need to make a note of this place if I ever decide to use it for something.

Gerard started walking off, planning o show me something else but instead I headed into the gazebo, it was large and I wanted to look around.

Plants had started to grow up through the cracks in the floor, winding their way around the trellis on the walls.

A long bench ran along each wall for seating, a certain place was surrounded by crushed cigarette butts. Well someone's been in here recently, some of the cigarettes don't look like they could be more than few days old.

"Lainey are you coming?" Gerard asked walking over to the entrance of the gazebo at the exact same time I decided to leave which didn't work well for me.

I took a step down, pretty much walking onto him with how close he'd been standing and we immediately crashed to the ground.

"Oof!" The breath got knocked out of me as I landed on him, good thing he was there to break my fall otherwise my face would have made friends with the ground.

There was a brief moment that passed before we both started moving,

His bright green eyes seemed to glow, standing out easily against his snow white skin with his jet black hair falling messily in his face.

His nose was upturned a little and he had high cheekbones, unless there's some flaw I can't see this man is literally perfect.

Instead of trying to push me off him he was lying there, looking me directly in the eyes and breathing hard.

My eyes drifted down to his neck for a moment, the second my eyes saw the collar I realised I was laying on top of the school priest.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." I babbled apologetically, trying to stand which wasn't working since my ankle hurt.

"Stay still for a moment." He told me firmly and I immediately froze, he wasn't very soft spoken for a priest.

He stared at me for a second before putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me off him with me landing next to him on the ground with a thud, um ow.

Gerard scrabbled to stand up and once he did he immediately started brushing himself off. Once finished he looked down at me before smiling and holding out his hand.

I hesitated for a moment before taking it and having him help me up, yep my foot hurt like hell right now.

"I'm very sorry, Lainey. Are you alright?" He asked, looking at the leg I refused I stand on, I didn't know what was wrong with it but it hurt, a lot.

"My legs hurts like all get out." I said, trying not to fall over while checking my ankle to see what might have happened to it.

"Okay, we'll postpone the tour today and I'll take you to the nurse, does that sound good?" I nodded and tried to take a step towards the school only to immediately fall forward.

Gerard reached forward to grab me and stop me from falling over again. His fingers wrapping around my arm to catch me sent a bolt of heat into my body before he let go.

He took a couple of steps closer to me before putting a hand around my waist and one of my arms around his neck. At first I wondered what the hell he was doing then I realised he was gonna help me hobble back to the school.


Halfway through our walking he paused and turned to me for a second, his free hand went to my arm and he slowly ran a hand up it.

"Your singlet strap fell down." He mumbled, which still didn't stop me from feeling flustered before walking again.

"So how old are you?" I decided to strike up a conversation while we were walking even though he probably wouldn't want to say anything since my earlier attempts to find out about him had failed.

"I turned twenty four a couple of months ago." My mouth fell open a little, he's really young, that can't be right.

"What about you?" He asked before I had a chance to speak and I sighed before answering.

"Sixteen, turning seventeen next month. Twenty four is very young for a priest." I said and he was nodding before I'd even managed to finish speaking.

"I started at a very young age, let's talk about something else shall we?" He really doesn't like talking about himself, I wonder why that is.

"Why did you come to Rosehill?" He had things he kept to himself and I had things I should keep to myself, like the reason for me being here was a punishment.

"Academics, I want to go to a good college." That could not be further from the truth if I tried, well maybe it could but I was getting far away from the real reason.

I am now lying to a priest I've got the hots for, this is my strike two, I'm definitely going to hell.

"In the middle of the year?" I do have to admit it was a little weird for me to show up halfway through the year but so what, it wasn't his business.

"What kind of priest are you?" I immediately changed the subject with something I hoped would distract him, which it did.

"I don't understand..." He trailed off, expecting for me to fill in the blanks.

"Are you celibate or do you do it?" Why the heck did I ask him that, I was planning to ask him if he wore the dress thing at mass, not that, dammit!

Freudian slip.

"I don't think that's entirely appropriate to ask." My subconscious must have wanted to know because I'll be honest and say since the moment I saw him I've wanted to know if he's that pale all over.

I was about to start apologising when he answered me.

"I am celibate but I haven't always been." He murmured to me before pushing open the sick bay door that we'd finally reached.

And I've just asked a priest if he does it, this is my strike three, I've hit the trifecta.

I can feel the breath on Beelzebub on my neck now.

"I've got a patient for you. I think she twisted her ankle." He spoke brightly and happily to the middle aged woman sitting at a desk, she got up and came over with a smile on her face.

"Hello dearie, let's get you on the table so I can have a look shall we?"

Damn this sucks, I wanted to spend longer with Gerard, we were finally getting to the interesting parts.

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