Chapter 8: Time Takes A Cigarette

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The following days passed quickly and it wasn't long before a whole week had passed.

My classes started up, I was forced to wear what was the ugliest uniform in the history of the planet and it came as to surprise to me that I was made to attend mass everyday.

On the bright side of things I at least got to admire Father Way while he'd been talking, otherwise my brain was just filled with a mind numbing buzzing sound...or my iPod earbuds that I'd concealed rather well.

I'd at least thought that anyway until Father Way walked up and took one out, informing me that I'd been headbanging when we were supposed to be praying.

Good thing everyone's eyes were closed then.

As much as I wanted to dislike him for giving me detention I couldn't find it in me to hate him after a few of the favours he'd pulled.

For example I ended up only having to help him out for two days instead of a whole week.

Miss Archer busted me with my iPod one day and he said it was his and I'd been listening to a christian band.

Tiffany had tried yelling at me only to receive an extra week of detention (the look on her face was priceless).

So yeah, I guess he was kinda awesome.

There were a few more factors though, no matter how awesome I thought he was he had a talent for counteracting it every time.

It would either be by insulting me in some Jesusy, it's Gods will kind of way or by making an idiot of me in front of people.

He'd also made a fare few appearances in my recent dreams, everything ranging from us making out in the confession booth to bumping into one another at a concert.

Yeah, you'd be surprised by how many dreams I can have in the space of eight hours.

Thankfully there's been no more monkeys showing up.

Although Tiffany could probably be considered a monkey even if she is one of the more glamorous girls of the school.

Oh and surprise, surprise she's Miss Archers favourite student so the snob gets away with whispering (not so quietly) bitchy things from the desk behind me.

At least Father Gerard and Iris don't like her and the headmistress doesn't seem overly fond either.

It was amazing just how much stuff could happen in only a week, blink and your life is gone, right down the toilet.

That's at least what I've said to my parents when they called me a couple of hours ago.

I told them I hated it, everyone was an asshole and they fed me human babies, the last part they didn't buy so much for obvious reasons but told me I should stay here anyway.

Personally I didn't care how many friends I have here, I wanted to go back to America where the lingo was familiar and my friends and I could hang out whenever.

Don't get me wrong I really liked Iris and all but she wasn't the kind of person I thought she was originally.

I'd thought she'd be a heart of gold kinda person but instead she's a complete goody two shoes to put all other goody two shoes to shame.

I think it was physically impossible for the girl to say no.

She'd give up every single moment of her free time to help others while I'd be sitting there wondering why on earth she'd want to.

I've never exactly understood the appeal of being helpful.

I have places I need to go, people I need to talk to and a bunch of other stuff on my plate which meant I didn't have time for other people's problems.

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