Chapter 16: Responsibility And Kissing And Fights, Oh My!

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The rest of the party was an interesting affair. It was obvious a fair few of the people there wanted to be doing something but I was still surprised by the amount that gave me genuine congratulations.

Iris had done a good job of finding music I'd enjoy listening to that we'd be able to get away with and even if we didn't Miss Coping brushed it off.

When we'd been talking about it in theory I really didn't want a birthday of any sort. 
I didn't want a party or a cake, nothing, I would have had a problem spending my day on bed but I actually liked it.

There was one thing that'd managed to change my whole night though.
Gerard, he'd been the only thing on my mind.

Especially what he did after asking for a moment with me for the second time.

He'd already made the very hot but incredibly inappropriate comment to me earlier but it was kicked up another notch.

"Could I talk to you in the hall for a second?" He asked, putting a warm hand on my shoulder and turning me around.

"Kay." I mumbled, his fingers encircled my wrist and he pulled me away from everyone

I followed him into the hall and up to stairs to where the candles and rose petals started.

There wasn't much room in the narrow stairwell and we had to talk with our backs pressed against the wall.

"I've been thinking about that kiss in the church," he started, leaning forward and placing his hands on either side of my head, "about what you said."

"You told me to never assume what you want and you said not to touch you without your permission." Gerard moved a little closer and the speed of my heart picked up.

"So, could I have your permission to kiss you?" He asked and my cheeks went bright red, not expecting a question like that.

He's not wearing his collar, does this make what I'm about to say alright?


He slowly brought his lips down on mine and I felt like my whole body blushed.

The first time it'd been a complete surprise. 
Now I'd encouraged it.

I slipped my hands up his chest and twined my fingers into his hair, savouring the sweet and forbidden taste of his lips.

His arms dropped, circling my waist and pulling me closer to him which I responded to with an appreciative groan.

He ran his tongue along my lip and I had to pull away, panting and gasping for breath before he kissed me again. 

Our lips moved perfectly and I lost track of time, not knowing how long I spent desperately clinging onto him as we kissed.

My brain kept telling me I was making a huge mistake and I knew that was the truth but I didn't want to stop.

There was the sound of someone muttering to themselves and Gerard quickly backed away.
A brunette walked down the stairs, pausing when she saw Father Way and I standing in the stairwell.

"Hello, Genevieve. Is something wrong?" He asked her, wiping his mouth and trying to pretend nothing had happened between us.

Genevieve was a friend of Tiffany's and in the cast of Peter Pan. She wasn't a trouble maker or a bully like her friend but hung out with her crowd anyway.

"Just some Tiffany trouble." She sighed and I chewed the inside of my cheek at the sound of the fucking name.

"Tiffany? Do you know where she went?" I walked up the stairs, closer to Gene and she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I think she's behind the dorms." Gene told me adjusting her dress that was in theme with the birthday party going on downstairs.

"Thank you." I said before pulling the hem of my dress out of the way and running up the stairs.

Time for revenge.

I left the church, walking into the snow and ignoring the coldness biting into my bare feet.

She's pushed the boundaries and I'm getting my payback whether she likes it or not.

"Tiffany, where are you, you fucking weak coward?!" I demanded, walking behind the dorm and hoping she'd be there.

She was sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette, I marched up to her and knocked it away.

"What did I fucking tell you about the three strikes rule, first one you broke, then a second and bitch you've just hit the fucking trifecta." I tugged her up from the bench by her shirt and clenched my hand into a fist.

"Who gives a fuck about your blonde friend? What are you her girlfriend? Are you dykes together?" Bile rose in my throat and I struggled to swallow it down.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you it is only God who can judge?" I punched her in the face, almost dropping her in just one hit.

I get it, she's the kind of person who can throw a punch but can't take one herself.

"Now if you remember correctly I warned you that if you started any trouble or hit my friend I'd make you unable to operate a spoon. I'm the kinda person who likes to keep their promises." I punched her again and I felt a split in my knuckle, it hurt but my anger distracted me.

The next thing I knew she'd hit me back, right in the mouth and blood poured down my chin.

I hadn't expected a punch on but if she wants to go there then I gladly will.

I was hit for a second time and I felt warm liquid running from my eyebrow. Glancing at her fingers I saw the rings she was wearing, all very sharp and pointy looking.

In seconds our few exchanged hits turned into a flurry of punches, me barely getting the upper hand.

"Lainey, Tiffany! Stop!" Arms closed around my waist, pulling me away kicking and punching.

"Let me go right now, I want her to get what's hers! She fucking beat up Iris again!" He pulled me even closer when I tried to jump forward and take another hit at Tiffany.

"'Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.'" He murmured and felt my anger kick up another level, he just seriously quoted the fucking bible!

We were making out like ten minutes ago and now he decides to go holy?

"I don't want you to get into trouble now calm the fuck down before I give you detention." Gerard whispered and I ceased squirming but he didn't let go and looked over my shoulder at Tiffany.

"Did you hit Iris?" He asked, sounding as angry as I felt and I bit my lip, wanting badly to continue punching her.

"Yeah, so what?" She said rhetorically, wiping away blood with the back of her hand and leaning against a wall.

"So you've got detention, a lot of it. Go back to your room immediately then I want you to report to the headmistress first thing in morning with a full explanation of what you've done." She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes, not liking how he was focusing the trouble on her.

"But she sta-"

"Back to your room. Now!" He snapped and she flinched before straightening, huffing and walking off.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, letting go and turning me around so I'd look at him.

"She beat up Iris and I was giving her what she earned." I told him, trying to wipe the blood away but wincing when I touched the cuts.

"From what I saw she was the one winning." I scowled, it wasn't my fault, I'd been trying my best but I hadn't been in a fight for a while.

"She's bigger than me." I muttered and he crouched down, trying to see me through the dimness at the back of the dorm.

Lights were coming through some windows and allowed me to see his face properly.

"Well you shouldn't do it again because next time I might not be there to get you out of it." He pulled a tissue out of his pocket and started dabbing at the blood on my head.

"I didn't want you to get me out of it." I sighed as he continued cleaning my face like a mum fussing over her kid.

"Come on, let me take you back to the church so I can get rid of the blood." He took me by the hand and pulled me away from the dorm and to the old church where the birthday was still continuing in the basement without me.

Instead of seating me on one of the pews he led me to a room in the back that appeared to be an office.

"Sit down, I need to go grab something." He told me then left the room as a slight throbbing came to my head, the beginning of a headache.

I didn't know he had an office in the church so I was surprised seeing a completely functional space set up, desk, sofa, bookshelves and all.

"Okay this should be able to get the blood off." Father Way said, walking back in, holding up a wet cloth, a pile of clothes and what appeared to be a box of bandaids.

I dropped onto the sofa and crossed my legs as well as I could in the huge dress I was still wearing.

"Are you feeling cold?" He sat on the couch next to me and started wiping the quickly drying blood away.

"A little bit." I confessed, feeling the chill that came with a strapless and sleeveless dress.

"Here." He handed me the washcloth, shrugged off his jacket, put it around my shoulders and took the towelette back.

"Thanks. I've been wondering for a while, where do you sleep?" It was fairly to the point and I expected an answer.

"There's a room off here, it has a kitchen and a bedroom and all that stuff." I nodded then winced when he wiped away some of the blood from my lip.

"You shouldn't have gotten in that fight." He chided me, almost going to the level of clucking his tongue.

"I was going to do it one way or another." I shrugged and he dropped the cloth on the floor before grabbing the box of bandaids and pulling one out. 

"So what are you planning to do? Give me detention for fighting? A punishment for kissing you?" I laughed, knowing him that was more than likely what would happen.

"I think you've gotten enough of a punishment from the wounds you have." He put a bandaid across a cut on my eyebrow and stood up, placing the things on his desk.

Gerard stood up and undid his tie and a few buttons on his shirt, looking much more comfortable. At this moment he was the same guy I'd hung out with in the gazebo, smoking cigarettes.

"And about me kissing you, let's keep that a secret between us. It can't hurt if no one knows." I got up from the couch, a tiny smile growing on my cracked lips.

"Still lying, Father?" I asked, sliding my hands up his chest and leaning in.

"There's an exception to every rule." He told me, putting his hands on my waist and lowering his head as if waiting for an invitation to kiss me.

"You know, we're in my office and I told everyone I was going to bed. We could do whatever we want in here and nobody would ever know, that's unless you're too loud." His words were barely a murmur but they sent a jolt of electricity through my body.

"You couldn't handle what I could give." I giggled, linking my arms around his neck and standing up on my toes.

"Maybe you're right but I'd love to prove you wrong." He turned around and pressed me against the desk, my heart rate spiking and we hadn't even done anything yet.

"Don't get me so excited unless you plan to carry through with it." I teased, moving away slightly when he tried to kiss me.

"Unless God himself interrupts us I don't plan to stop." He tried again and this time our lips made contact, his roughly pressing against mine.

It hurt no thanks to the split in my lip but I tried to ignore it, not wanting my fight from earlier to ruin everything.

My mouth opened to let him in and our tongues brushed together before I had to groan and push him away.

"I can't, my lip, it's fucked until it heals up." I explained, sighing and taking my hands away, not wanting to but knowing I should go to my room and get some sleep.

Why out of all moments did this have to be wrecked?
I could feel his body pressed against mine and a heat growing in my stomach that told me I'd be shutting off all common sense any moment now.

"Wait until I can actually do something." I winked at him and he let his hands drop before crossing them over to his chest and sitting in the desk chair.

"I'll make the assumption the clothes there are mine?" I turned to look at him, taking his jacket off then reaching up to tug the zipper on my dress down.

"Yeah, I got them for you." The dress dropped at my ankles and I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on, only allowing him to see my back.

I slid into my jeans and added my hoodie, finishing up with my shoes that made me feel warmer.

"I'll be going to the dorm now. I'll see you soon." I said putting the dress on the sofa and walking to doorway.

"Goodnight." He called out as I left the room, closing the door behind me and walking to the front of the church.

Within seconds of stepping into the snow I realised the mistake I'd made.
Getting into a sexual relationship with a priest is not something to be taken lightly like I just had.

It was perfectly fine to him, he could lie his way out of it since no one wanted to believe a priest could lie. 
I on the other hand was a school girl who had gotten here thanks to her habit of not listening to her parents and being rebellious.

I'm not religious.
I should have no problem sinning yet I know what I've done is incredibly wrong.
I've encouraged him to kiss me and I've kissed him back.

Congratulations me, you've officially led a priest of all people down the path of sin.

I'm going to hell, I can feel Satan getting ready to open up a hole in the ground and snatch me up.

I bet this wasn't what my parents thought I'd be doing when they sent me to an all-girls christian school.
They thought I was going to magically become a wonderful child who went to church every day and never swore.

Sure I was a good kid, I got good grades and didn't whore around as much as other girls but I wasn't that one perfect daughter they wanted.

I think that's what I liked most about Gerard, he wasn't perfect despite looking like it.

He was supposed to be a man of God but in secret he was a screwed up person in the most amazing way.

Still, it was unacceptable for me to flirt with him and I had to stop because I honestly believed he wouldn't.

For once in my life I'll have to do the unthinkable and be responsible.

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