Lexi and the Spectrespecs

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I would be lying to myself to say it hasn’t just made my day to see Ron again.

Well, I haven’t seen him since the end of last summer, I reason with myself. And I don’t know, there’s something about being with him which is much more exciting than being with anyone else I know. I’ve got more than a fair share of friends in Ravenclaw, but none of them – I don’t know… none of them are quite the same.

It’s probably just because he’s in Gryffindor, so I don’t see him around enough for us to drive each other mad. It just makes the times when we do see each other better.

I smile to myself as my hands feel the budge of my heaving robe pockets, full to the brim with those badges I took from Ron. What am earth am I going to do with all of these…

I push my way through the doors of the Great Hall, and the smell of the second-to-none Hogwarts breakfasts waft through my nostrils as the sound of Hogwarts students catching up with each other after a long summer apart fills my ears. I smile to myself. I’m home.

Waving at others as I walk past, I scan my eyes up and down the Ravenclaw table, trying to find a spare place to sit. Wow, everyone must be really hungry today… I’ve barely ever seen the table so full…

Cho Chang smiles at me as I walk past. “Oh, Lexi, hi!” she says brightly, “do you want us to make room for you…?”

My eyes fly over her and her friends, already squashed together. I laugh. “No, I’ll find somewhere else further down, thanks though…”

“No, seriously, we’ll budge up –”

“I’m fine, honestly – ”


I pause. I know that voice. Spinning around, my eyes settle on a tall, handsome boy with a Hufflepuff Prefect badge pinned onto his robes.

“Oh… Justin…”

Justin Finch-Fletchley just so happened to be my boyfriend last year. I told him I didn’t think it was working near the end of the year, and although he seemed cool with it at the time, he then seemed to convince himself that I was actually proclaiming my undying love for him and subsequently spent the whole summer sending me long letters.

Justin grins. “Lexi, I haven’t seen you in ages,” he says.

“Oh, uh, well, we’ve only been back at school an evening,” I say breezily, “..um – can I help you?”

“Yeah, actually, I was wondering if you’d meet me at break,” he nods, “I want to talk to you.”

“Oh, well, I’ll see if I can fit you in…” I say vaguely, casting my eyes around desperately for someone to save me… and then I see her. “Oh, will you excuse me? I just have to go –” I trail off, but quickly gesture over to the far end of the Ravenclaw table, which is deserted except for one.

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now