Whatever It Takes

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The desperation in Lexi’s eyes, as she pulls me up and helps me out of my room and down into the lower part of the house, scares me. What’s even more worrying is how much I have to rely on her when we’re going down the stairs, leaning on her for support. I’m weak, I know that, but the urgency with which she pretty much yanks me towards my bedroom door tells me that something’s very wrong.

But then again, of course it is. I haven’t drunk or eaten anything in days and almost went mad with worry for what was happening to Lexi. Of course, I’m not going to be in good shape…

However, Lexi stops just outside the door. “Draco,” she says nervously, stepping in front of it and biting her lip.

I frown. “Yeah?”

“Your – your room…” she says. “It’s – it’s different…”

My heart stops. “What do you mean?”

I want her to laugh so badly – to roll her head back and grin and say, “I’m just kidding, Draco, nothing’s wrong. Everything’s normal. Your parents don’t really hate you and Voldemort’s not really planning to kill you – in fact, I’m not even his daughter. It’s all just been some huge joke and we’re going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. Oh Draco, this is all just some huge joke, hahahahahahahaha!”

But she doesn’t say that. Reality crushes me as she says slowly, “after… after you tried to rescue me, Voldemort flipped out. He demanded they lock you up in the attic as punishment and that your parents should completely disown you for trying to go against his wishes.”

“But I was doing it for you!” I exclaim in frustration. “Surely that’s got to count for something? I was doing it to try to protect you, and you’re his daughter, doesn’t that mean anything?”

Her face twists uncomfortably. “I tried to tell him myself, but he wouldn’t listen. He demanded that your parents should remove all traces of your life within theirs.”

I feel sick. “What?”

“They didn’t want to, I mean it,” she continues, her eyes shining like she was on the verge of tears. “Your mum, especially – but he said that if they didn’t he’d go up and kill you right there and then, they didn’t have a choice, Draco –”

“I appreciate you trying to cover for them, but it’s all right, Lexi,” I smile softly. “They’ve abandoned me, it’s ok. I can handle it.” I knew this was far from the truth, but the fact that Lexi isn’t dead sweetens everything, even my parents’ disownment of me. She’s alive. That’s all that matters.

To prove this to her, I try to smile encouragingly and lean over her to reach for the door-handle. I twist it and the lock gives a satisfying click. I push it open gently, not knowing what to expect inside.

I’d wondered if the room would be completely torn apart, a picture of destruction – floorboards missing, furniture destroyed, wallpaper peeling – but what was actually there was somehow so much worse.

The bedroom I’d had for my whole life wasn’t destroyed at all. Everything looked perfect. It looked like a hotel room.

But not my room.

Any hint of the fact that this was the bedroom of a teenage wizard had gone as if it hadn’t been there at all. The wardrobe and the chest of drawers were empty, as was the bookshelf that had previously contained all of my school-books. My desk was spotlessly clean - the uncompleted homework, old boxes of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and my Potter Stinks badge from fourth year which had decorated it upon my last viewing vanished without a trace. The posters from the walls were gone, as were the photographs – even the bed-sheets had changed from my familiar ones of deep green to a pure white. A pot of flowers had been displayed delicately on the windowsill.

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