unexpected news

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“You know, Lexi,” announces Draco to me one lunch-time, as we make our way through the busy corridors towards the courtyard, (students, I noticed, take one look at him and went flying in fear in the other direction), “...I was just thinking, you know, about the Christmas holidays. What are you doing?”

I frown, wondering where this is going. “Well, I was just planning on going back to meet up with my family, you know. My brother’s coming home for Christmas and the Leaky Cauldron is always empty these days so it’ll just be us three - and Tom, the landlord. Mum will be in an insanely good mood at seeing Callum again, he’s like the best thing that ever happened to her and she doesn’t even try and disguise it, but at least she’ll be happy, so…”

I stop, realizing I lost him at ‘The Leaky Cauldron’. His nose is all wrinkled up and I shoot him a look. “What?” I demand.

“I forgot you live there,” he murmurs, “..in that dinky old bar.”

I glare at him and have to firmly remind myself that Draco isn’t very good at phrasing things right, - ...or remembering that other people have feelings too. I put on my best‘understanding’ smile.

“Yuh-huh,” I say cheerily, “it’s no palace, granted, but it’s the only home I’ve ever known. Seeing as my actual house and all my mum’s belongings and money and – oh, wait, my dad as well – got destroyed by Death Eaters sixteen years ago.”

Draco catches his breath before looking over at me. He sends me a ‘sorry’ smile, before catching hold of my hand and pulling me close to him.

“I’m just grumpy this means I won’t get to see you,” he whispers apologetically, his hands snaking around my waist and lips grazing against my ear, “I was hoping I could have you to myself this Christmas, you know…”

I smile to myself and try to remember that I’m supposed to be angry with him. “Bringing me home to your parents? Oh, that one will go down well – ‘hi Mum, Dad, meet my Ravenclaw girlfriend – her best friend is Ron Weasley, you know, Potter’s sidekick…’”

Draco pulls a face. “He’s not your ‘best friend’, is he?”

I sigh. “Well. No. You know things have been weird.”

‘Weird’ was the only word suitable. Things have been weird. I’ve barely seen Ron in days, ever since our... weird... confrontation - but, to be honest, I have the feeling that even if we did bump into each other, he wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to see me.

“Hello, Lexi and Draco Malfoy!”

Draco groans loudly and I stick an elbow in his ribs as I twist around to face the new voice from behind me.

“Luna!” I say brightly, smiling. “Hi!”

“Lexi, if this means I’m now spending my lunch-time tagging along with you and Looney Lovegood, I have other things to do,” mutters Draco loudly, because he obviously doesn’t feel she’s good enough to even deserve his direct attention. Eurgh. Slytherins.

“Actually, Draco, I wouldn’t like to be hanging around with you, either,” says Luna brightly, “did you know, I was watching you through my Spectrespecs the other day, and you have an awful lot of Wrackspurts buzzing around your ears.”

Draco sends me a look. I stick my tongue out at him, highly amused by his pissed-off face.

“Please come with me,” he says. “I will give you my eternal love if you please just take me away from her.”

“That’s kind of you to offer, but I don’t date boys with Wrackspurts buzzing around their ears, I think it’s a real turn-off,” I say, fighting off a grin.

Draco scowls. “I hope you realize that it’s only because I find you insanely attractive that I haven’t hexed you to the ground by now. You’re infuriating, do you know that? And you have ridiculous friends. And -”

“What is it you wanted, Luna?” I press, ignoring him. He chuckles, rolls his eyes, and plants a kiss of defeat on my cheek.

“Actually, I was just asking how you felt about Ron’s new girlfriend,” Luna murmurs dreamily, glancing around at the corridor around us as if it’s a highly fascinating piece of architecture.

I freeze. My heart stops. “W-what?” I stammer. Draco’s grasp on my shoulder suddenly stiffens.

“Does it matter?” he snaps straight away.

I glance over at him. “You knew?”

“Like I said, it hardly matters,” growls Draco firmly. “Like you said, you’re barely even friends anymore.”

“Yes but I still care,” I protest, cheeks flushing without really knowing why. “I mean, it’s just, that’s great, he’s moving on, or whatever…” I trail off, not really knowing where I’m going. “Um, who’s his girlfriend, Luna?”

Luna blinks rapidly, apparently jolting out of the daydream she’d slipped into during mine and Draco’s brief conversation. I feel Draco’s gaze boring into me but I can’t meet his eye.

I have to know. I can’t believe Ron didn’t tell me… I’m one of his best friends, we trust each other – and we love each other….

“Oh,” says Luna, with a disinterested yawn, “well, it’s Lavender Brown.”

Du du duuuuuuuuuuuuu Yh so heres a new chapter have fun

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now