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I left Draco and Narcissa to have their family reunion. I knew I should be so happy that Draco had been reunited with his family – that his mother was now declaring her undying love for him, that she’d never turn her back on him – I couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous about what she was saying to him right now. I knew she’d be trying to turn him against me, and – well, if Draco was suddenly pulled into a battle between me and his parents, I wasn’t sure who’d he choose.

I pushed that thought out of my mind, reminding myself that with something like this, I couldn’t afford to be selfish. I just wanted Draco to be happy, and if it was without me, it was all right. At least then he’d be safe anyway. I hated the idea that he’d risk his life just for me.

I wonder if I should be nervous, on my way to see my father again. But somehow, I get this feeling that – no matter what his plans are for me in the future – at the moment, I’m not in immediate danger. In fact, he keeps going on about how he wants me ‘to be kept safe’. And there’s something about knowing he’s my father – that we share blood – that cancels out any fear of him. Sure, it’s replaced with repulsion and self-loathing instead, but at least I’m not scared.

I take a deep breath for pushing open the doors of the dining room. I walk into a room heavy with silence and suddenly dozens of eyes all turn to me. I fix my eyes on Voldemort, who’s sat at the head of the long table.

“You called for me,” I say, trying to keep my voice even.

Voldemort looks at me for a long time, taking me in. I have the uneasy feeling that he’s trying to work out what I’m thinking. I look at the floor.

“…Yes,” he says slowly. His voice, so chillingly high, sends chills down my spine. “But first, Lexi Riddle, please impress our guests by showing them what you have been doing for the last couple of days.”

I glance at the Death Eaters staring at me. I hate it when he calls me that – ‘Lexi Riddle’, never just ‘Lexi’. Like he’s constantly reminding me of who I am, just to keep me in check.

I know what he means, but I speculate what he would do if I refused, playing the ‘dumb girl’ act to get a reaction out of his stupid Death Eaters. I don’t suppose he’s ever really been humiliated before…

“Lexi Riddle,” he continues lightly but firmly, like he knows exactly what I’m thinking. “Show them what we’ve been practicing.”

I want to have the self-will to rebel against his words, but I can’t. Cringing at his tone, and the shivers it gives me as he speaks, I slowly let my eyes wander to the snake hissing at his side.

Nagini,” I say reluctantly.

The snake lifts its eyes to me and slowly hisses its reply, apparently amused. “Lexi Riddle.” It speaks with a tone of delighted smugness that it makes me want to grab the goblet of the Death Eater sitting nearest to me and throw it at the reptile. I hate it. I hate everything.

“More!” demands Voldemort hungrily. “Say more, show the Death Eaters what you are capable of!”

I hate you,” I tell the snake. “I think you’re a monster.”

The feeling is mutual,” chuckles Nagini. “But be careful with your words, girl – we’re more similar than you think…”

I frown. Voldemort chuckles and lays a hand on the snake’s head, silencing it. “Enough, Nagini,” he tells it, and it recoils, breaking its gaze with me and instead looking lovingly at its master. I roll my eyes in disgust.

“You see,” Voldemort announces to the Death Eaters softly. “My daughter has inherited my talents.”

There’s a pause as they all try and work out how best to react, before simultaneously breaking out into over-enthusiastic approvals of “brilliant,” and “extraordinary!” and “how very promising”.

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now