Lexi and her Slytherin "friends"

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It’s been a week since Harry has experienced the great “sighting” of Draco and Lexi kissing up on one of the moving staircases. Since then, everything seems to have been set ablaze.

I don’t know if it’s because Harry told everyone – it’s not as if we’re talking, so I wouldn’t know – or someone else saw them too, if it really happened at all -but there are more rumors about those two ‘secretly dating’ than there are about Ginny and Dean, which is definitely saying something. And to be honest, I’d take the Ginny rumors a thousand times over the Lexi ones.

“Apparently they’ve been secretly dating for over a year you know Ron,” Parvati Patil told me excitedly in the common room last night. I was sitting in an armchair near the fire, Hermione – who was swapping between me and Harry like a yoyo until we decided to make up – in the chair next to me, doing some homework.

“I heard that the morning before he asked her to be his girlfriend, he sent her a bouquet of red roses,” added Lavender. “They’re her favourite flowers, isn’t that romantic, Ron?”

“They’re not her favourite flowers, she likes daffodils,” I retorted, nose wrinkled and my head down.

“…Those are my favourite flowers too,” Lavender murmured softly, batting her eyelashes at me. Not knowing what she was getting at or how to respond, I looked away and back to my homework.

“I heard that instead of just asking her to be his girlfriend, he sung,” Cormac Mclaggen added, coming over after overhearing some of the conversation and winking at Hermione. What a cocky, annoying, arrogant, git.

Hermione burst out laughing. “He did what?” she scoffed.

“He sung to her,” Parvati told her, clasping her hands together. “I think it’s so romantic his a great singer aswell!”

“That’s ridiculous,” scoffed Hermione. “And that can’t be true, either. You believe way too much gossip rubbish Parvati.”

“Just because you’ve never had anyone fancy you before, Hermione,” sniffed Lavender. “Well, apart from Victor Krum, obviously, but he was just using you to find out about Harry for the Triwizard Tournament so that doesnt count really.”

Hermione pened her mouth and then shut it, before blinking rapidly. She glanced over at me before turning back to her book.

“That’s not true, I reckon she’s gathered a bit of attention over the years,” Cormac said suddenly, grinning at her. I don’t know why but I had the sudden urge to punch him. He was objectifying her thats the word I think.

Hmph,” muttered Parvati, “c’mon, guys, let’s go. Colin Creevey told me he’d heard loads of interesting things about Lexi and Draco.”

She got up and stalked away. Cormac grinned at Hermione before following – Lavender hesitated, before saying, “See you later Ronn!” lingering on the n and dashing off after her.

I watched them leave before scowling. “Bloody Cormac, who does he think he is?” I demanded. I glanced over at Hermione, who seemed too engrossed in her books to answer. I leaned in closer.

“..About all those rumors… you don’t think they’re true, do you…?” I murmured to her.

Hermione’s eyes flew up to mine before returning to her book. She shrugged. “It’s not really any of my business or yours.”

“Yes it is, Lexi’s one of my closest friends,” I snapped. “It’s my business to know whether or not they’re together.”

“I don’t know, Ron, maybe you should just leave the whole thing –”

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now