My Two Best Friends

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It feels like we – Blaise, Lola and I – spent the whole afternoon talking up in Blaise’s room. I knew something was up with Lola, but I also knew she had no intention of talking about it, so I did my best to distract her from it by trying to have a normal conversation – something, admittedly, the three of us hadn’t had in quite a while.

It was nice, you know? To just be hanging out with my two best friends. Well, I don’t know, actually – Blaise and I had shared each other’s company since first year, but whether or not we really actually liked each other that much over all that time is questionable. Especially now, when he wants my girl.

Still, the fact that he loved her too meant that he wanted her to be happy, just as I did – which, in turn, meant that he was equally enthusiastic to get her so engrossed in a conversation that she temporarily forgot whatever it was that was getting her down.

So, there we were. Blaise and I had pulled up the two leather green armchairs that had sat by the fireplace up to the foot of the four-poster bed, which she was sat on, and we just sat there, in this triangle, talking about things.

Anything and everything came up, but it mainly centered around Hogwarts. It seemed it had been a home for all of us.

For me, of course, it was because I’d been the Slytherin golden boy – every girl wanted me, every guy wanted to be me – but the others had much less self-absorbed reasons. For Lola it’d been the first place where she could be herself, having spent her first eleven years growing up in the shadow of Callum, her mum’s “obvious favourite”. For Blaise, Hogwarts was just a way to escape from his “chaotic” family life.

“…It felt like every month, she’d have a new husband – always ridiculously rich – and then, as soon as I began to have some kind of relationship with them, they’d suddenly be dead,” he’d murmured, his eyes faraway. “Always classed as ‘mysterious circumstances’, always leaving mum just that bit richer… I can’t begin to explain what it feels like, having to live with the knowledge that your own parent’s probably killed so many people.”

“Hey Blaise, I think we should set our parents up together,” Lola added with a bitter laugh. “Something tells me they’d get on.”

He’d chuckled darkly. I could see the sadness creeping back into Lola’s eyes, so I wracked my mind for a change in conversation.

“Well, I think we can all agree Hogwarts was a good place for all of us,” I said, “although I must say, Lola, I’m afraid you spent most of your time there being friends with total idiots.”

She pulled a face at me. “It’s Blaise I feel sorry for, he had to put up with you for six years.”

“Nah, he loved it,” I smirked at her, eyes sparkling. “Didn’t you, Blaise?”

He grinned. “Whatever you say, mate,” he chuckled. We all laughed and I smiled triumphantly to myself, happy I’d successfully steered the conversation onto something more light-hearted.

I lost track of time completely as we talked – it felt like we’d been talking for ever, and yet barely any time at all at the same time – but next thing I knew, the sun had set and it was pitch black outside. When the conversation temporarily paused, you could hear owls cooing outside.

Lola was tired. As the conversation continued and the sky became darker, she changed her position on the bed so she was lying on her back, and then she started talking with her eyes closed. When her voice became softer and her contributions to the conversation became less frequent I got up from my chair and slid onto the bed next to her.

She opened one eye as I pulled her into my arms, snuggling my head into her shoulder and kissing it softly. “Couldn’t stay away?” she said softly.

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