Draco and the girl

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Second story in the same night I'm an a roll

“Just so you know, I don’t take no for an answer!” I call after Lexi. I hear her giggle as she whisks out of sight and I smile to myself triumphantly. She’s probably already smitten. I mean, who would blame her, look at me, I’m gorgeous.

There’s a pause as she disappears from view down the corridor and then, all that can be heard is the steady movement of the train boldly swooping through the countryside. I want to go back into the compartment, but something is holding me back. Just in case she turns around and comes back, some part of me tells myself.

I replay the conversation we just shared over in my head. Well, could have gone worse. At least we’ve been introduced already. One step closer…

“Lexi,” I murmur, testing the name out on my tongue. I frown, wondering for the seven hundredth time why she’s not in Slytherin… or, in fact, why I’ve never really noticed her before. Now I’ve seen her she doesn’t really strike me as someone I’d miss. I don’t know why I think that. I just do. It's complicated. Life is complicated.

The air surrounding me clings to the quickly fading stench of her perfume. She smells of vanilla. I hate vanilla. It screams of… innocence or something. It’s ridiculously annoying.

The constant rattle of the train is weirdly soothing. Glancing out the window, my mind quickly flies back to Malfoy Manor, and the things that happened there over the summer. I shiver as the memories come flying back.

“Who was that?” mumbles Crabbe, sticking his head out of the compartment door and pulling me out of my thoughts. “..Pansy?”

It takes me a moment to adjust back into reality. Relief washes over me as I remind myself I’m coming back to Hogwarts now. For now, I’m ok. I’ve got so much time. But then again, so little...

I shake my head with a small smile. “No, not Pansy.”

“Who, then?” Crabbe keeps on, with the persistence of a small puppy.

I hesitate, staring at the space where Lexi had just been. “Not a Slytherin.”

Goyle, listening in on our conversation from the safety of the compartment, lets out a small gasp of surprise, as if I’ve just announced I’m officially Team Potter from now on. “A Hufflepuff?” he murmurs in surprise.

“For god’s sake, Goyle, my standards aren’t that low,” I scowl. “No. A Ravenclaw.”

“Mm, yeah, a Ravenclaw,” agrees Crabbe in an understanding tone, but how this is a useful contribution to the conversation is beyond me. I roll my eyes, wondering why on earth I never went after slightly more exhilarating company.

“What’s her name?” Goyle presses, standing up now and wandering over to the corridor, too, peering around hopefully in case she might be conveniently standing right there in front of us for him to inspect approvingly.

“…Lexi,” I say finally, “Lexi Layyer,"

I hesitate, and then add with a sly smile, "...give her a month, tops. Give her a month and you'll see, she’ll be just as crazy about me as all the others are.”

I smile at this thought deliciously.

Rons Pov

We’ve been back at Hogwarts for one night and Hermione is already about to drive me mental.

Me and Harry have just climbed down the stairs from the boys’ dormitories and into Gryffindor common room, after a long night’s sleep after arriving at Hogwarts the previous evening, when someone with very bushy hair springs up at us from a squashy armchair by the fire, rattling a large box as she does so.

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now