Lexi and Chemistry

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Lola's POV

After my – well, I think “weird” is the only word appropriate – run-in at lunchtime with Ron, Draco and Justin, I was pretty sure the day couldn’t get any stranger.

I had no idea.

That evening after dinner, I was walking out of the Great Hall and heading towards the moving staircases, en route to the common room with Cho, when I heard my name being called from somewhere not too far behind me.


I turned around to find no one but Ron half-running towards us, looking a little flushed.

“Oh…” I said, unable to hide my smile at seeing him. “Ron, hi.”

“I never got to talk to you earlier,” he murmured breathlessly, “…I was wondering if we could have a word now.”

“…Oh,” I said again, mainly because I didn’t know what else to. “…Aren’t you, like, eating now or something?”

“Uh, yeah, but I just thought – seeing as you’re here – just quickly…” he mumbled, trailing off. He glanced over at Cho and his ears reddened. “I mean, if you’re busy, I’ll find you another time, whatever – it’s not really that important anyway…”

“No, of course,” I said instantly, before looking over at Cho. “Sorry, you don’t mind…?”

“Sure,” Cho smiled breezily, looking from me to Ron and then back to me, smiling knowingly. “I’ll leave you two to… talk.”

There was a pause as she waved at me and left. Ron and I both turned to look at each other and smiled nervously.

“So, do you want to walk, or…?” I suggested half-heartedly. “Or… what is it, Ron? Do you want to copy homework?”

He broke out into grin and I laughed too, the tension immediately released. “Sure, I’ve been chasing after you all day just to ask about our Charms essay.”

I giggled. “Well, I wouldn’t put it past you. You can only ask Hermione so many times.”

“True - plus I have been asking her for six years,” he added, chuckling. “But no, seriously, that wasn’t it.”

“Spit it out, then,” I urged him, my mind racing. “Unless... I don’t know, it’s something that needs to be discussed in private?” Like if you want to ask me to be your girlfriend, for example?

“Uh, well…” Ron hesitated, and then almost at the same time we both turned and walked casually out of the door, away from the prying eyes of others and into the empty Entrance Hall.

And I couldn’t help it, all I could think was – is this the place where me and Ron start a relationship? Am I going to remember this moment forever, in this Hall, today, with him?

And that might have well been the beginning of the best memory I’ve ever known. Things could have played out so differently if our conversation had been allowed to continue; the whole of the rest of my life could have taken an entirely different course.

But it didn’t. Fate had other plans for me; chance stepped into the hallway at the last minute in the shape of Draco ruddy Malfoy.

Ron and I’s eyes narrowed at the same time.

“Draco,” I growled at him.

“What are you doing here, Malfoy?” snapped Ron angrily.

“Oh, fancy seeing you two here - ..no, I just finished my food, that’s all,” Draco shrugged carelessly, “…so, what are you two lovebirds getting up to? Having a cheeky snog before dessert?”

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now