Lexi and the realization of mediocre importance

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I have a confession to make.

I know, I know, stories that start like that never lead to anything good. There’s no fairytale happy-ending waiting around the corner. Just look at soap operas. Every time someone has a big secret, someone usually ends up dying. So it’s not looking so good.

Ok, I’m exaggerating. In the history of big secrets, my one isn’t huge. It’s not like I know about a new heir of Slytherin or something like that. Actually, in comparison to something like that my secret’s actually pretty lame and makes me look all school-girly.

I have a crush.

It’s not a big deal at all. Seriously. I mean, I barely even like him that much. It’s just… it’s something. It’s the reason I spent all break and lunchtime trying to avoid Justin Finch-Fletchley so he wouldn’t ask me to start being his girlfriend again, that’s all I know.

Actually, I feel a bit guilty about that. I mean, maybe Justin just wanted to ask whether I’d set him up with one of my friends or something. Maybe he likes Padma. Or maybe he just wanted help with some of the Charms homework. I don’t know…

But still, the idea of being with anyone else just doesn’t appeal to me right now. During my first day back at Hogwarts, after the quick run-in before breakfast and then again after Charms, something has begun to slowly dawn on me.

I have a crush on him. Ron. I have a crush on Ron Weasley.

I told myself I’d never let this happen – it is the most awkward and inappropriate and annoying thing in the world to develop crushes on the guys that are your just-friendsjust friends.

And knowing me, the whole thing will probably have blown over by tomorrow. It’s not a big deal. It’s just that I spent the whole of the rest of today smiling stupidly to myself like I’m thirteen years old and have just kissed a boy on the lips for the first time, just because Ron offered to carry my books.

I know, it’s actually quite pathetic seeing as I’m in sixth year now. I’m supposed to be mature and adult about this kind of thing. Besides, it’ll never work out. I’ve conducted a list.

a)Ron is in Gryffindor.

b)his friends really don’t approve of me that much – quite rightly, they think I’m stealing him, and I don’t want to steal him, just share him, but seeing as I don’t really get on that well with either of them, this doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen anytime soon

c)he’s completely obsessed with the Chudley Cannons, and everyone knows the Holyhead Harpies are the only Quidditch team around worth supporting… and to be honest, with such huge sporting differences, I just don’t know if we’d be able to last as a couple. Yeah.

Well, I haven’t got anything else so far, but I’m working on it.

Dinner has just finished, bringing our first full day at Hogwarts to a close. It’s been a… very interesting day to say the least – busy, but weird. I wonder if the rest of the year is going to be like this… this thought amuses me, because if it is I suppose I can only conclude the end of this year by riding away into the sunset on a dragon or something. That’s the direction life seems to be heading in right now.

Me and Padma both head up to the common room after dinner. Padma is complaining about the ridiculous amount of homework we’re all being set this year, and how she’d take OWLs three times over to spare herself doing NEWTs.

“Even Professor Trelawney’s going hard on us this year,” she sighed as we made our way up the steps and towards the Ravenclaw tower, “she’s making us all plan out charts for every single horoscope for the next six months… I don’t know if I’ll ever see the light of day ever again, I’ll just be shut up in the common room working…”

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