Slughorns Party

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Lexi's POV

When I walked into the girls’ bathroom on that Tuesday morning, I had no idea of what was about to happen. I assure you, it was something I never thought would.

As I pushed open the door, I became quickly aware of the sound of someone softly crying. My Prefect instincts acted before my head could

“Hello?” I called out, peering around the door. “Is anyone there? Are you ok?”

The sobbing quickly stopped. I waited a moment, but when no one answered, I half-smiled.

“Look,” I said. “I’m a Prefect, I’m not stupid. I know you can’t Apparate within the school grounds, it says so in Hogwarts: A History. So if you think that stopping crying will make me think that you’re not there… did I mention I’m a Ravenclaw?”

The door of the cubicle in the far corner creaked open. I smiled kindly as its occupant emerged; and then my mouth fell open before I could stop myself. Not in a cartoon-like way, just enough to make me look slightly like a goldfish.

Hermione,” I murmured. Geez, I’d been expecting a second year or something…

“I thought I was the only one in the entire school who had read Hogwarts: A History,” said Hermione, rubbing the tears away from her eyes. Her red eyes met mine and then something really weird happened – she almost smiled at me.

I tried to pretend I wasn’t completely taken aback by her sudden acts of friendliness. “When I first got into Hogwarts I was so determined to live up to the expectations my older brother had undoubtedly set for me that I read everything about Hogwarts I could get my hands on. I guess it just stayed with me.”

A soft silence. Hermione smiled a little again, before looking away.

“Um, Hermione,” I began clumsily, but unable to just leave her now I’d find her finding in the bathroom. “Is something wrong? I know we’ve never been that close, but if you want anyone to talk to – it’s just the fact you’re skiving off lessons, moreover so you can cry in a bathroom… I know it’s not my business, but – it kind of worries me…”

Hermione smiled. “It’s only Ancient Runes. I’m months ahead of the work anyway. Besides, I haven’t been gone long. I only wanted to go to the bathroom.”

I bit my lip. “And cry?”

Hermione opened her mouth and laughed but without humor. And then she burst into tears again. Alarmed, I hurried over to her, before cautiously wondering whether she’d even want me here – but to my surprise, she sobbed into my shoulder more than willingly.

We were silent a moment as she cried. I tried to wrack my brains for any clues to what she might be upset about, and then it hit me like someone had just whacked me with a Bludger.

“…Hermione…” I began awkwardly, not really knowing how to phrase it, “…is this – is this because of Ron?”

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now