I promise

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Chel is a family friend by the way

Chels POV

I just got here and heard Lexi Riddle was here, I haven’t seen much of her. And I’m perfectly happy that way. When it comes to the Malfoys, Lexi only seems capable of causing trouble and if she wants to avoid them completely, that’s just fine with me.

In fact I’ve all but forgotten all about her until one morning when I’m up at Draco’s room. Blaise has just received a long, dreary letter from Pansy telling him all about her horrible Christmas holidays without him pah she is pathetic and how much she misses him and hes half-way reading it out loud to Draco and I when  he realizes Draco’s not really listening.

“ ‘…All I can do is think about all the times we’ve spent together, and how much I love you,’ ” he says.

I wrinkle my nose. “Bloody hell, that girl’s really perfected that whole desperate thing cracked...” I snigger.

Blaise laughs in aggrement then says "I'm thinking about dumping her what ya think, Draco"

I look up at him, waiting for his response, but he’s sitting by the window, staring out of it.

“Mate, you look like you’re like a fucking romantic hero in a book or something,”  he sniggers, walking over to him.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been weird for days.” I say.

Draco snaps away and stands up, trying to block our view of the window. “It’s nothing.”

I peer over his shoulder and through the window – and then I see it. Or rather, her. There she is, Lexi Riddle, wandering through the garden looking lost and confused.

I raise an eyebrow.

“I don’t think You-Know-Who’s gonna be impressed with this. She’s worse than Looney Lovegood.” Blaize says

I laugh then say "I haven't met Looney but that's pretty mad,"

Draco scowls. “I don’t know. I don’t attempt to understand her.”

“I don’t think there’s anything to understand, mate, except that she’s losing it,” I scoff.

Draco pushes past me. “Let’s just go,guys.”

Blaises POV

Draco pushes past Chel. “Let’s just go,guys.”

But there’s something about her that doesn’t let me drag my eyes away. It must be that dress she’s wearing – it’s the same red dress she was wearing last time I saw her, only it’s muddy and ripped and clinging to her skin in the rain. I stare, transfixed.

“C’mon, Blaise,” Draco keeps on, tugging me away. “She’s not worth our time. Like you said, she’s fucking weird.”

But he has no idea what weird even means.

Not compared to this.

Because, that evening, when Narcissa worries over dinner that Lexi hasn’t attended one family meal and that she can’t be eating anything, and all their efforts won’t be worth anything if they have to hand over a starved Lola when the Dark Lord finally arrives to collect her, I suddenly find myself pushing my plate aside and getting up.

“I’ll do it,” I pipe up brightly.

All three Malfoys look over at me with a frown. “Do what?” mutters Lucius.

“I’ll go down to the kitchen and ask the house elves to fix her up a meal, if you want,” I offer. “I’ll bring it up to her room.”

“I don’t see why you need to do that,” mutters Draco, his voice sounding slightly strained. “You haven’t finished your food. If you want I –”

Lexi Layyer my only weakness*hp fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now