Part One

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At 6.45 my alarm began to blare. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, feeling horrible. Returning to school after Summer Break was always such a chore and waking up on the first day was never easy (especially when you’re me and an extra hour of hair and make-up is required on top of the usual morning routine !111!!) Today was no exception to the horridness of waking up early after endless weeks of sleep-ins and if anything it was more difficult than others. This was mostly due to the fact that I’d been up till 2am snapchatting this dickhead, arrogant, piece of shit named Leonard. I hate him so much. He is such a faggot. But he’s also great, and if you talk shit about him I’ll end your life. Right? Are we clear? Good. Now, I can continue.

Obviously I got ready eventually. Yes, I cried multiple times in the process, but hey I got there and that’s all that matters and I looked hot, which mattered even more. Although, I always look hot, even when I cry, just so you know. After getting ready, I jumped into the first car that was sitting in my driveway. I had about 7 to pick from that day, I usually had around 12 but 7 was good. This might sound super-duper extravagantly confusing, but let me explain! Ok so basically I’m the hottest bitch at school, every boy wants me lolololol not even joking, and yeah all these wannabe popular losers basically wait outside my house at the beginning of each year in the hope I’ll pick them as my lift for the rest of the school year. I don’t usually pay much attention to them, I just want the free lifts, but hey if it makes them feel good about themselves, then awesome! After all, I am a founding member of the “Welcoming” and “Anti-bullying” committee at school.

Walking into school, after an awkward ride with some disgusting kid from year 8 that had a ratchet cold and was sneezing the whole time, I straight away saw the last person I wanted to: Monica Portalina, aka the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. Don’t tell me I’m rude for disliking her, she once bragged that she was “500% hotter than Audrey Hepburn” and this alone is why she will not be forgiven, ever. She brought this upon herself.

She smiled her bright white smile, and I cringed as her stupid blonde hair, and tan skin glowed in the sunlight as she walked in what seemed like slow motion slowly past me.  She cleared her throat, pretending to cough and turned right towards me to lock eyes.  When she saw me, she shot me a dirty look that felt like it pierced right through my soul.  I glared back, and in response to this she elbowed me “accidentally” when he crossed each other’s paths.

“Bitch,” I breathed, clenching my fist to try and restrain myself from potentially ripping off her stupid little head there and then.  “Watch it!” I rolled my eyes, walking off towards the library and away from her annoying self.  

“That’s right!” She yelled after me, “Go read a book about how to be pretty; you need all the help you can get you ugly piece of shit.”

I turned around and gave her the finger and held it up at her for a decent 10 seconds. At that moment, her ex-boyfriend/my newest snap chat buddy Leonard walked by. I grabbed him by the shirt, and began to kiss him passionately. Then I pulled away from him, and I started twerking in celebration as I saw her reaction, which was one of pure surprise and disgust.

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