Part Twenty- Two

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(side note: my principal looks and talks like Morgan Freeman FYI)

“Okay, I’m ready,” I said, “Tell me whatever it is you have to say.”

“You are not who you think you are, Sabrina. You are at the centre of something far greater than anything you can even fathom. You are a part of the system.”

“What is the system?” I asked, confused.

“Basically, a simple way to put it is, you are more than human,” he said.

“I… I’m what?” I asked.

“You twerking abilities, they’re uncomprehendably amazing. Have you ever wondered, why that is?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“You’re right… they are…” I agreed, shaken.

“And your beauty,” he said, “It’s something that one might describe as ‘off this planet’, is it not?”

“I have been told that before,” I gulped.

“Your musical abilities, are “off the charts”, are they not?” he tiltled his head in a questioning manner. 

“I suppose you could say that…” I muttered.

“Precisely, and there is an explanation for all of this. There is, in fact, and explanation for all of the strange events that have been taking place in your life lately.”

“There is?” I inquired.

“Yes, Sabrina. You are not human. You are a drifter; your ancestors are from another planet, another species. A species that is now instinct, apart from the other members of the system living here in this town, on this earth. You were born with a very specific purpose as a baby Sabrina; you were brought to the earth for a reason. You are the key, the only thing that can re-open the doors to the light side of the system. For 300 years now, the members of the englitenment have been awaiting your arrival here on earth, for 300 years the dark side of the system has been reigning. We were told we had to wait, wait for the right time to strike back, but we were unaware for a long period of time as to how we were supposed to figure out when exactly that was. That was until you met Leonard, he is a part of the system too. He was created to fulfil you, to make you whole. He is a part of you; you are both a half of each other. We knew, once the pair of you met, that you were then complete, and therefore you would be ready."

"I don't understand..." I said, "Leonard?" 

"In your species, love is not something that can be felt more than once. There is only 1 mate for each individual, and Leonard is yours. You and him have matching souls, you are legitimately soulmates, no one can ever change that." 

“But,” I interrupted, “Leonard killed all those people….”

“Yes," he smiled, "I was waiting for this to come up in conversation. They are not people Sabrina; they are not your admirers either. They all belong to the dark side of the system, so does Monica. They too have been waiting for you to reach your prime, for the day to come when you would be ready to overthrow their reign. They've been waiting for that day, so they could then destory you. That is why Leonard had to kill them, that is why he had the bodies in his home."

"But, why did he act like a raging psychopath?" I asked.

"Two reasons," my principal laughged, "One, he is kind of a loony-tune. He's a lovely guy, but when seperated, even momentarily from that LOL game he plays, shit gets cray-cray. Secondly, until we were sure it was the right time to tell you all of this, we had to make you believe you were living a normal life. Leonard was simply playing his part in all of this, he was, acting.” 

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