Part Twenty

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The rest of the escape was actually really simple. Leonard was so fixated on his computer game that Mr Purple and I walked straight passed and down into the downstairs kitchen, where we had a couple of enchiladas with his mother and good old laugh, before I decided it was probably time to head home. I left the visit to the police station to Mr Purple, seeing as he insisted, and I really wanted to go home to my parents. We had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day I really love those little shits. Plus, I really needed to question my brother Ricardo about that “assignment” I had stolen off his computer earlier that week. I’d always wanted a gay brother! Omfg sah cute!


We kind of just left Leonard’s mother there which, looking back, was probably not the best decision made that day. Although, I had just been penetrated by a serial killer, so there was always that to trump the other bad decisions. It had been fun though, on the bright side. Super-duper fun, like a roller coaster of fun and friendship. But yeah, we kind of just took the enchiladas and left the poor lady there to fend for herself against her serial killer son. Oops, my bad.

So yeah basically Mr Purple drove off in his golden Porsche to the police station and I walked home through the drug infested pits of my disgraceful neighbourhood at night, alone. I was alright, but like… wow cute Mr Purple… just admit to being my guardian angel…. and then leave me to walk home from a serial killers house… through a creepy neighbourhood… at night… alone. K… mate. Who da fuq hired dis bitch, wot r u doin god. But yeah, I was just walkin, chillin u no bein mi swagtastic self. I get to the park down the road from my house, and I’m just like yo no wat fuk it imma swing on dis swing, imma be a bbby again. So I get on da swing, and im jst swinging and I see dis guy sitting on de edge ov da road and im jst like wot so I go ova and im like “hey what u doin punk” and then I realise, it’s Ricardo.

“Beautiful gay brother, how is thee?” I say to him, taking a sit in the gutter beside him.

“My life is over,” he cries, “Everything is terrible.”

For the first time in my life I legitimately knew my problems were far worse than his. I mean, I had sex for the first time and then I find out the guy was a serial killer? Like wtf??? But for some reason, I didn’t mention my problems, I just grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

“It’s okay Ricardo,” I smiled, “Everything is going to be alright.”


After a long chat, we walked home together and I slept for the first time in what seemed weeks. Due to the crazy shit that had gone down in my life in the past week, my parents let me have time off school. And I kind of just lay there for a really long time in my bed wondering wtf was going to happen next.  I watched the news a couple of times and found out that Leonard had been arrested, but was claiming he had no clue what was going on. At least he was locked away now; at least he couldn’t hurt people anymore. 

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