Part Seven

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The next morning, I thought long and hard about my situation and I realised that maybe Mr Purple could help me with my missing admirer’s issue. He knew how to track people down- he did it all the time. I decided I would ask him, next time he drove past me creepily. It would surely only be a few hours at most, until I saw him again.

I went down to the breakfast table, even though I didn’t feel like eating very much. I smiled at all of Leonards family members awkwardly for 15 minutes, before returning to my room to get ready. Leonard had followed me up to my room after breakfast to ‘have a chat’. I felt more like kissing him then chatting with him, but I agreed to chat anyway. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I patted the space beside me, offering for him to sit there and watched as he shut the door behind him and sat down in that spot.

“Look, you don’t have to say anything if you don’t feel like it,” he started saying to me, “But we haven’t spoken about why you’re here, exactly. I wanted to give you space to ease in so that’s why I didn’t ask earlier. But, like by the looks of you when you showed up that night, after calling me to pick you up and all, I just wonder- were you in some kind of trouble?”

I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t actually told Leonard or anyone about why I had come to stay here. What the fuck had I been doing? I don’t know why, I’d just assumed they all knew.

“I got into some shit with my parents,” I explained, “And they kicked me out. I think I’m going back there today though.”

I had decided that Mr Purple would more than likely be driving past my house, and so to find him I needed to be there.

“Did you get hurt though, Sabrina? Is it safe to have you walking into the middle of this whole mess again?” he asked, concerned.

“I’ll be fine, they love me.”

 “No, but be honest with me. Is everything going to be okay if you go back? I mean, here with me you’re safe and if it’s not necessary then why go running off back into the firing line?” he said

 “Leonard, it’s okay. l I’m going to go. They won’t do anything. I’ll be fine.”

“Fine then, but if you’re going to go, then I’m coming with you.”


“I want to make sure you’re okay, Sabrina. I care about you.”

I don’t know if I really wanted his help, or I just wanted to spend time with him but I agreed to bring him home with me. I didn’t even think about the fact that it would get in the way of me contacting Mr Purple , I was too blinded and distracted by Leonards cute little smile, and his eyes and his everything.


“Okay,” I giggled, smiling at him, “Sure.” 

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