Part Eight

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We stood outside the gates for a moment, both not daring enough to be the first to enter. I don’t know how I’d agreed to it, but I had. Leonard had come back with me to see my parents again, it had happened. We’d planned everything out; it was going to be fairly straight forward. Basically, I was going to lie a shitload to my father in the hope that he would take Leonard into our home. It was the only thing I could do, given my father’s extreme over-protectiveness. It was a lie, yes, but it benfitted me and Leonard so it was justifiable.


“Go over the cover story one more time,” Leonard requested.

“I met you when I was at the homeless shelter; you helped me get back on my feet and then went on your way. Later, you showed up nearby looking for me and my help. I figured since you’d done so much for me, helping you was the least I could manage. Then, I brought you back here to see what Dad could do to keep you safe. Got it?”

“Yep, got it,” he forced a smile. 

Leonard was looking particularly uneasy today. I assumed it was because he was going to meet my parents for the first time, but I also had a secret suspicion it was because he had been away from LOL for an extended period of time. That idiot. 

I stood for a moment, stalling once again. With a quick mouthful of the cool evening air, leaning forward quickly, I pressed the button on the gate.

“No going back now,” whispered Leonard, grabbing hold of my hand as we nervously waited.

“Nope,” I swallowed hard, slotting my fingers into the gaps between his.

My stomach fluttered for a number of reasons in that moment: firstly, because Leonard was holding my hand, omg eek!!!11! and secondly, because I was petrified about what might come next. Would Leonard be allowed to stay? Would my parents actually slaughter me? Was my fathers “25-stiches-in-head-situation” improving? There were so many unanswered questions. 

I hoped this wouldn’t end badly, but no matter what I knew I was not alone anymore. Yes, I had Mr Purple continuously driving past my house continuously until the end of time, but now I also had Leonard. Someone to keep me safe, someone to hold my hand. 

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