Part Twenty- One

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4 weeks passed and shit started to sort itself out. I mean, Leonard was facing court or whatever at this point, and it had been 4 weeks so I was ready to head back to school. I knew it was going to be hard and awkward, but hey I always had my musical numbers in the halls to get me through.  And Mr Purple was going to be there, looking after me or whatever that shit said his job description was. 

I got to the gates of the school, and straight away I see Monica, the fucknut extraordinaire. She runs up to me, hugging me tightly.

“I’m so sorry about what happened,” she began weeping.

 I pushed her off me and kicked her in the stomach.

“Don’t ever hug me again you aid-ridden slag,” I yelled, walking away. What the fuck did the little bitch think she was doing?

So anyway Mrs Bulenski, some anal teacher who makes people pick up rubbish for her own enjoyment somehow saw my little run-in with Monica and sent me to the office. I sat in the waiting room of the office, waiting to see the Principal, for what seemed like forever. While I was waiting, I overheard some teachers discussing Leonard’s case.

“They have nothing to go by in the case,” one of the teachers whispered to the other, “Apparently when they went to check for the bodies, there was nothing there. They have no proof that anything ever went on.”

I stood up; sick of hearing people talk shit about stuff they knew nothing about, “I’m sorry, but do you actually have any idea what the fuck is coming out of your mouth? I saw those bodies with my own eyes. You’re the ones who tell us to back up our information with VALID sources in our assignments, yet you’re passing on invalid and untrue gossip in a fucking office. Within meters of the girl who found the fucking bodies. Dumb little shits.”

“Sabrina you’re a spoilt brat, please be quiet. You get no say. No please Sabrina, you’re not allowed to speak,” said both teachers in unison.

I picked up an office chair and threw it at the teachers, just at the same moment the Principal was coming out to get me.

“Lol thanks,” he giggled, “Dey was such an bitch anyways”

“K,” I smiled, walking into his office without an invitation and taking a seat.

“So Sabrina,” he said, “I know Mrs Bulenski sent you here because of the incident this morning regarding Monica, but that’s not what we’re going to discuss today. I need you for a different reason. I need your help.”

“Sure, but I’m pretty busy with my hectic schedule so it really depends on what you had in mind?” I questioned.

“I understand, but I think you’ll be interested in helping once I explain a few things to you about what is really going on here…” 

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