Part Seventeen

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My panties had unravelled, and now something else was about to…

Leonard returned to his game of LOL, acting as if the fact that he had just penetrated me was nothing special at all. I was offended, and I rolled my eyes and sighed continuously, before breaking down crying in the middle of his bedroom floor. He continued playing LOL. This continued in fact, until suddenly I was snapped out of my crying fit by the loud noise of Leonard weeping nearby me in the room. I rolled out of my ball, and looked up at him.

“FUCK SHIT BITCH TIT FUCK FUCK NUTS BALLS SACKS DICK FUCK” he screamed, throwing things off his desk, smashing numerous vases.

“Leonard?” I questioned, but he was in another state of mind.


“Honey,” his mother called from the hall, “I’m just popping out to the shops to by some enchilada ingredients. Be back soon, okay?”

“FUCK OFF MUM” he yelled back at her, and then I heard her leave through the front door.

“WAIT HERE SABRINA IM GOING TO FIX WHATS BEEN BROKED” Leonard left the house, and went to the neighbours to ask for their wifi password or some shit.

“K,” I said.

I sat down on his bed, pulling out my nail file and getting to work. Turns out handjobs can really fuck up your manicures. When I was satisfied with how they looked I twerked in celebration as per usual. Mid twerk, I bumped into Leonard’s bedroom wall. I noticed it was hollow.

“Weird,” I thought.  

I knocked on the wall three times, and suddenly it began moving. It was a secret passage of some sort. What the fuck kind of 16 year old boy have one of these in his room?  I stepped forward; ready to walk into whatever it was that was through the wall. Whatever it was Leonard was hiding, I was about to find out.

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