Chapter Two : Arriving in London...♥

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"Amira....AMIRA....get up we are there!" i heard my Mom say. She shaked me one last time whe i Finally open my Eyes i Realized that we are in London now. Oh my Gashhhh Im in Londoooon noowwwwww. I Looked out the Plane window and smiled like an idiot. One of the things i Always do when im Happy :).

                                                                     After 6 Hours.

"I am soooooooooooo Tired" i Groan and Fall into my new Bed. Everything i wanted to do know was getting a Shower and Sleeping. "Comon get a shower and go to sleep, Shool is waitiiiinggggg" my Mom Yelled from the kitchen. it was like she could read my Mind."Ohhhh Moooooooooom" i yelled back Like a Kid while she was coming into my Room. She knew it that i hate shool."Com on know" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Okay" i said Happily and got some knew Underwears and a Bra and my Favorite Superman Pjamas.

I got into the Bathroom and hopped into the shower. While i was under the shower i was thinking about many thinks My Live back in California the Bullies my Dad, Emma.....SHIT emma i totally forget her. After showering i got out of the shower and into my pjamas. Drying my Hair and Straighting them. I Loved straight hair. It was about 8pm and i Texted Emma...

A: Heeeeey sorry i didin't text i had to do many things today Sorry:* Xx

E:I thought you were dead dare to Text me Again that LatexxX E

A:Sorry moooom hah So im going to slepp right now okay? Good night miss You already:(xX A

E: Goodnight :*xxX E

The Last thing i Remember was that Emma texted me back and after that i Fell asleep fast.

Never Change (a Harry Styles Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt