Chapter Three : First Day in My new School...

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I Woke up right before my Mom came into my room for Waking me up. "Oh. good you are awake now get dressed its your first day in school" I groan loud. I hated to get up early i always have the baddest mood ever in the Morning. I got up Dressed me up i was wearing a White Tank top on it it was written "What do you Looking at?" and some Bright jeans.I got downstairs where my mom was already Making Breakfast I kissed her Goodmorning

"So Amira i am going to bring you to School and then i have a meeting okay?" my mom said.I nodded and ate some of the pankakes my Mom did I Loved Pankakes.After Breakfast i got my leather jachet and my nike air max on. and got into the car with my Mom. I already have had my Driving lisence but i havent got my own Car yet. Anyway we were at the way to my 'new' School it wasn't that far away just about 7 mins with the car. I was getting nervous with every minute Go bye.

"You getting Nervous?" my Mom was grining. "a little" i said more wispered. "Dont you worry child see Heavens got a Plan for you Its the best school here in London"my Mom supported me. Dont you worry child see Heavens got a Plan for you was something my Mom always said to me when i was Nervous or something like that. after about 3 mins my mom said " Ahh there it is" pointing at a Big Building. "Mom that building is huge what if i get Lost" i said panicly. she Laughed. "It's now up to you" my mom said when i was getting out of the Car. "Thank you Mom. Thanks really much." i said and throw my hands in the air. "Good Luck Baby" my mom said and Left: She left me there all Alone.The only thing i was thinking was 'Oh Lord please Help me'.

After getting all My nerves togheter i decide to Walk in this huge building. And then it began all these eyes on me 'who is this' 'is this the new chick' 'uuuuh man she's hootttttttt' Oh god how i hate these boys.After rolling my eyes someone Tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and there was a Girl standing in front of me. She was cute she had Green eyes Bright Brown hair and a really fit body."Are you new here?" she asked. "Yes" i replied. "Okay than come with me" she said smieling. I followed her into i thing it was my new Class but aktually looked like an Zoo. Everyone Screamed and was Talking. Some of them were Running i also saw a cuple Kissing like Monkeys. And there was someone on the Table dancing and singing and all the boys were around her i think.

And then the girl i met A few minutes ago Speaked to me "So this is your new Class and I forget I am Ashley" She gave me Her Hand i shaked it and said "Thanks I am Amira" " Nice to meet you" we said in chor. " Are you going to this Class too?" i asked Ashley. "yes come one i show you everyone" she said and she Pulled me to her Friends i think. "Hi Trisha this is Amira the new Girl in our Class" Ashley said to a girl with messy Blond hair and Blue eyes She was also sweet. "Hey im Trisha nice to meet you" she said smiling and gave me her hand and i shaked it and said "Amira nice to meet you too" and i did this with her other friend too her name was Kate she hat Brown Curly hair Brown eyes and the biggest smile i've ever seen. She kinda Remind me on Emma.

After we talked a bit Ashley showed me all the classmates here "So these are the Punks they are just five Girls and one boy some peopel even say that they are doing drugs and stuff." she daid pionting to a little group a black clothed Peopel. "These are our Joks they are making trouble when ever they want" she continued by pointing to a grouf of 6 Boys wich were staring to the girl who was singing and dancing lately. "These are Our School Plastics" She said Pionting to two girl wich were Freshing their Make up. "And this is the Leader of the Plastics" she said Pointing to the girl on the Table. Ahaa Great.Wow.Best.Class.Ever.

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