Chapter Thirteen : Too Late....♥

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Marcel's P.O.V

Same Alarm.Same Morning.Same Mom.Same Breakfast.Same Car.And the same School.Everything the Same Nothing well Me and Amira were good again she was now a couple with Jack.I walked into my Class that looked like a Zoo again.I sat down next to Ashley who was already waiting for me.She stood up and kissed me.I wasn't in the mood to kiss right now so i broke the Kiss. "Later" i whispered into her ear.She smiled and sat down and i sat down next to her.

She speaked to me what she did in her Weekend and Blah.Blah.Blah The same old things.I heard the Classroom door open and CLose again and everyone get silence now.Wow. Vas happenin to the Zoo?.As i Looked Up i saw Amir-WOAAAHHHH! WAIT WHAT THE FUCK???? WHAT HAPPEND TO HER?? She Looke Damn Hot i mean she did Before but Now.WOW.

She had the most Skinniest Pant in the World and an Midrift Top on.Some Black Highheels and Sunglasses.Her hair was waved.IT was like eveything around us stopped and she walked in my Direction and Smiled at me.But when she walked past me i Realized that she didn't Smiled to me She smiled to an Jock.She asked him something and sat down Next to him.And the worst part was that the Jock was Jordan.Yes the boy Who used to hit me at the way back to home were i met Amira for the First time and she Helped me.

Amira's P.O.V

Revenge.Revenge was the only thing i thinked of the whole time and here i am. With the most skinnies jeans in the World.But i would do anything to Make him feel like i felt.Before everything Ofcoars I speaked with Jack about it but he just said "Okay but be Becarefull".I exactly did know what i did. So i walked in the CLassroom or should i say Zoo?. I grinned at my Thought. As i walked in Everyone was silence.I got nervous but i had to stay Cool.

So i Walked straight to Jordan And asked him If i can sat next to him He Pushed his Friend otta the way so i could sit next to him.I gave him my 'sexy' smile and sat next to him.The Plastics just looked at me and were saying thinks like "Shit this Fuckin slut is stealing our show..." And Blah.Blah Blah. I Laughed at how curious they were to be a Slut.But of coarse i am not i dont sleep with any boy.

As the Teacher came in everyone automatticly went Silence "So everyone Please open the Page 22 at your Physic Books" I didn't move Or anything i just Played aroung with my Bubble gum.Then i saw MArcel Looking at me ge gave me His 'WTF what happend to you' Look ant i just Got my Eyebrows up onetime and Smiled and then Played with the bubblegum again. As the Teacer saw me He was Like "Okay whos Playing with the bubble gum..." and when he Turned to me he was all like "Amir-Woahh what happend to you?" he Asked scannning me up and down.The most grils on this School think that Mister Harbey would be the Hottest teacher ever but hes Too Old for me.

Ewww he was just looking like he Would Rape me right Here. "Nothin...Problem?" i said uninterested.MAn i was good in this Roleplay."How do you Speak with your Teacher" he said this time a little more serious."And how do you Look at your Student " I said and everyone in the Class "Ooooooooww"ed. "Okay you know what you go to the Trainingroom" The trainingroom was an Room were you get an Red note From your teacher on it written why you have to go to the Trainingroom and then the Teacher in ther Trainingroom gives you an Yellow Note were 'you' have to Write down what you did.

He gave me the Red note and gave me A Wink. I looked at him Like 'WTF what problem does he have' Then walked out our Class.As i looked down the Red note There was written 'Meet me at the Girls Toillet -H' MY eyes Widen as i realized that my Pysic Teacher wants something From me.I got furious and walked back into my Class and Yelled at my Teacher "WHAT THE HELL?!?! YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM MEE!!??? YOU PERVERT!!!!" Everyones eyes were on me Now."What happend?" someone asked.I turned around And saw Marcel.I handed him the Note.Suddenly Mister Harbey walked up to me and Placed his hands on my Waist and Whispered in my Ear "Shhh we can speak about it Later" My Eyes looked at Marcel whos eyes Were still on the note and Widen open. Marcel then Hold His shoulder Pulled him back and Punched him in the Face.Mister HArbey or should i say Mister Overfuckeduppervert stood up and Hit Marcel. "Marcel" i screamed and Covered my mouth i could see how Angry Marcel got.I walked to his side "Please Marcel dont do any-" "Go to the Side" he Said pushing me Softly Behind him.He that Hit mister Harbey over and over again in his face till he fell on the Ground the Marcel got ontop of him and didn't stop hitting him "DARE YOU TO EVER TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN!!" he Yelled at him.He just.He just called me 'His Girl'.But i was shocked what about Ashley i turned around to see were she was but she was just standin there like everyone and had an face with no emotion." DID YOU UNDERSTAND ME??" Marcel yelled Making me Turn around again. "Ye-Yes" Mister Harbey stuttered his face covered in blood.

Marcel got up Took my hand and Just Pulled me Out of over class.As we walked out i heard my Class Clapping.But Marcel was still Pulling me from my Arm to his car.He opended the car door hastily and jogged to his side and closed his door hard making the whole Car shake a litlle.He started the car. "Wher are we going?" i asked him Scared of him.No Replie."Marcel?"No Replie."Can you please Answer me?" No Replie.I just layed down and looked out the window.And then i felt his Hand on my Leg.I looked at his eyes but they were Dark now.And then he pulled his arm away as i looked out the Window again i exactly Knew were he was Taking me.

To the Lake.

He stopped the car after 5 minutes.He got out opened my Door and gave me his Hand "Come with me" he said and Smiled. "As if I had another choice" i said making him Laugh a little. "I am going to show you a side of the Lake that you never Saw" he said and hold my Hand.We walked like about 10 minutes.Straight through a Forest I got scared now a little."Close your eyes"he told me."No" i said a litlle loud. "Comon or I am going to Close them" he said i didn't say anything just stood there. "Fineee" he said and Closed my Eyes with his huge Hands.He brought me somewhere were it was windy."Ready?" he asked. I just nodded. As He opened my Eyes I looked over whole London.Wow.It was beautiful."Oh my god...Its Beautiful" i said with an Smile on my Face.He looked at me and SMiled too.I missed his Smile."How did you find this Place?" i asked him. He turned to me "After an fight with you.I wasn't with ashley all the time i was here sometimes Thinking about you dont wanting to Leave you Dont wanting to loose. and thinking about how i should excuse myself to you How i could make you mine" He said looking deep into my Eyes.But the i realized what he said. "Wait but...what do you mean with making me yours?" i said confused. "I-I saw you kissing Jack and that was were i realized that i-i Lo-" "Love me?" i cut him off.

Marcel's P.O.V

"Love me?" i got cutten off by her."Tzz Do you want me to say that i Love you too and then we Both are just happy together? Why coulnt you Realize it Earlier? And Jack? Hes my Boyfriend? And ashley? what about her?" she asked me. "I Realized it when we kissed but the i Dont know why i did thatn and Ashley you know she is different as i Thought she was just for Fun you know" i said looking down.

"What- What do you mean with 'Just for Fun'?" she asked coming closer to me with an serious face.I just looked down. "Oh my God you didn't...Please say that i think is Wrong" she begged. I just keep looking down. "You are disusting" she said and throw her hands up. Then she wanted to Leave.But i couldn't Let her go So i grabbed her Arm."Dont ever touch me again with this Dirty Hands" she said with any eye contact and then she Left.

Shit.SHIT.Marcel you Idiot why did i even Tell her the thing with Ashleyyyy I am so stupid so Stupid but i am not going to Make her Leave.

Amira's P.O.V

Oh my god i just cant belive what i Heard.He did it with Ashley.Ashley. ohhh And maybe that the metter she didn'T helped her 'Boyfriend' out of the situation he was.DAMN.I never tought that MARCEL? would go that far. And thats the Reason why I heard Knocking Sound at 2 am in the morning.(Her and Marcels room are next to each other so whenever Anyone of them makes Loud noises They can hear it) Ughhh i am so mad Right now.Eeew that is just disusting what he did.

I just began to go To my House it took about 20 minutes of walking when i hear a Car stop right next to me It was Marcel's car."Get in the Car" he said serious.But i just ignored him and keep walking."GET IN THE FUCKING CAR NOW!" he yelled know.I got a little scrade but keep on walking.He then got out the car and Walked over to me and stood right infront off me. "Let me Go" i said pushing him aside but then i Felt strong arms on my waist he Turned me Around and Took me on his Shoulder."LET GOOO OFF MEEEE!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEEELPPPPP HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!" I screamed but it was too Late i got sat down in the car and then he Locked the doors of the Car."What the Hell!!" i said trying to open the Door."Let me goo noowww" i Yelled at him. But he just Grinned. "Why are you grinning huh?.....Ughhh I HATE YOU I HATE YOU SOOO MUUCCCHHH" I screamed at him his Smile Fate away. Then i heard a *click* I was silence now "Get out" he said.cold. Looking straight out. "GET OUT" he Yelled at me I jumped because i got scared. I Closed the Door and then just Run to my House.

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