Chapter Seventeen : Like Magic..../***

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Amira's P.O.V

I felt how someone was moving next to me.Then i realized that i was still in Marcel's room.I wasn't a dream.I thought to my self and then Opened my eyes just to see Marcel's face infront of mine.I jumped a littl ebecause i got scared."It's time for school darling" he said."ehm...i dont want to go to school" i said in my husky voice.

He just looked at me and saw all the memories coming back from yesterday and how my eyes got teared up.He then jogged over to me from where he was standing and then her Laid my head down on his Lap.I could hear every single beat coming from his Heart.He then let go."You know what?" he said i looked at him with an questioned look."Then i am going to skip School and do what ever you want" he said smiling and took my Hand."So what do you want to do'?" he asked me.

"Can we go to the Hospital" I said looking down."Whatever you want" He said and then kissed my Forehead."but first we Have to buy you something to wear okay?" he asked me i just nodded. "But what am i going to Wear now?" i asked him Confused. "Hm...." he said looking through his clothes.He then looked like he had an idea and run out of the Room and came back with an Leggings."Here.." he said then he walked back to his Wardrobe and gave me one of his Jack wills pullovers.Jack.I looked down at the brand and then looked back up at him.

He then realized what i mean and then he gave an Hollister Pullover."And shous...shouse..." He looked for something "Ahhh here" he said and gave me some All Star chucks. "They are too small for me hopefully they are going to fit" he said smiling.I took them and and they Fit."Thanks" i said and looked up at him."Anytime" he said and then took my hand and Brang me to his car Opened my Door like always and then i sat down, trying to ignore our house that was ash now.

He then saw that i tried to ignore it and then He Took my hand."Stay Strong" he said.We were at the Shopping centre now we buyed a few tops and pants and some Shouse.And then the worst part in my Life came i was going to the Hospital.We where in the Car.Marcel was fixed on the Street and i just looked out the Window.Closing my eyes i saw my mom.Her smile.Her beautiful Blue eyes.I always wanted her eyes.But everyone said that i looked exatly like my Dad.

"Don't you worry child see...Heaven's got a Plan for you" I remembered her Voice saying thant and then MY song came into my mind again."We are there" i heard Marcel'S voice say causing me to open my eyes.I looked at the Building infront of us."If you don't want to We can go ba-" i cut him of with a Glare that said 'No i want this' he then just nodd and then we both got out the car and walked straight into the building.I was scared that i Took marcel's Arm.He then hold my Hand.Thn we walked to the information.The women smiled at us "How can i Help you" She asked with an Big grinn on her face "We are looking for Kajol Mchardney she...died yesterday in an House fire." Marcel said a little whispered.

The women looked with an questioned look at us."Ohh you mean Miss Mchardney yes...but she didn't die she is in an Koma" The women said.I was shocked and i let the Words sink in."What?! Where? Where is she? but how could she Survive I mean...! She was dead!" i said not knowing what i was saying the Tears in my Eyes Rolling down my Face."Yes but when she came here the Doctors tried to Bring her back to live and it did Work...They told us it was Like Magic" the women Said with an Smile.The Tears of happines Streamed down my FAce me and Marcel looked at each other and the he Hugged me.

"Where can we Find her?" he asked holding in his own tears."She is in Operation room 22" the women said pointing at a Direction.We both runed to the Room.And then i saw her."mom" i whispered.I saw her Laying in an Normal Hostpital bed alone in a Dark room.But her door was Locked."MOM" i shouted and Banged on the Door.Then a Doctor Walked up to me

"Misses misses what are you doing you cant go in there" he said holding me back.Marcel saw the situation and then pushed the Doctor away from me.I then Pulled marcel back i couldnt take no more Stress."why?" i asked."Because whe have to do one more Operation before someone else can see Her" he said looking at marcel at the Last part. I could feel How aggresive marcel was so i just squezzed his hand.Telling him that tha was the wrong time.

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