Rareish Morning

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I woke up and slowly slid out of Jason's embrace. I tapped on Rose's door to tell her to meet me then went down the stairs to make breakfast; which was kinda rare for us. Not that we didn't like to cook just that time was slim and we usually only really got to when we had company. I heard light scuffs come down the stairs a few minutes later and Rose came through the kitchen entrance. I waved. "Morning sunshine." She glared at me then went to the cupboard. "Coffee first, talking second." I smile and nodded. a few minutes later she was her perky self. "Lez do dis!"

I set down the last plate and turned to Rose. "You get Dakota, I've got Jason." She nodded and we went to wake the boys. I slowly opened the door and Jason was waking up. He smiled at me and sat up. "Good morning." His voice was once again deep and raspy from sleep and very nice to heard. I smiled and sat on the edge if the bed. "Rose and I made breakfast. You gonna join us?" He kissed my cheek and I stood to let him up. We are then sat in the living room. "How'd you guys find where we were anyway?" Dakota smirked. "Well we knew you guys lived on Rainbow Row we just had to find which color." "Well it shouldn't have been that hard. They're only a few houses with people in them and then our cars are out front." I said. "Plus you know Natilee and her geeky history nut side, the white one looked more to the style when it was built but it was almost the best looking and not so bright." Rose added. Dakota laughed. "Nat is a history nut?" I nodded embarrassed and Jason hugged me. "I think it's awesome." He said into my ear. I smiled and patted his knee. "I take it you guys wanna see some sights?" The boys nodded. "Good! I know the city like the back of my hand. Also this is a walking city. Rose learned that the hard way." They nodded again laughing and Rose and I headed upstairs to get dressed. Start of a big day ahead.


Ok I'm not gonna add the whole sight seeing thing. This is a kinda a filler chapter. If you really wanna know just look up Charleston SC attractions. sorry but I'm lazy. Thanks for reading! Love you guys! ❤❤❤


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