Pink Isn't Your Color

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Rose looked down at her hands and sighed. "Tell me Rose." She looked back up at me and I saw the tears brimmed in her eyes. "He said that he couldn't be with me anymore. He would tell me why earlier but I think there's another girl. She's on his twitter all the time now. I can't believe he'd do this!" She was getting angry and tears were falling down her cheeks. "Let me talk to this mother fucker and we'll see who's gonna be crying." I said storming out of he room. I went into my room and Jason looked at me like I was crazy. "You okay babe?" He asked. "Dakota made Rose cry and now he's gonna be the one crying" I snatched my phone off my desk and went to my messages. I sent Dakota a message and my Skype went off on my phone. "What's wrong?" Dakota asked sheepishly seeing my look of pure disgust. I didn't answer. I walke back down to Rose's room and she was still crying a little. I turned my phone so Dakota could see and then back at me. He sat in silence just looking at me. Another form took place beside him. the light shone on their face and I saw the girl that was all over his twitter. Rose saw too and started crying harder. Jason came in and comforted her as I walked out and down to the kitchen. "I have nothing to say to you but you better pray that if you cheated on her with that other girl beside you I don't find out. Because I will personal come kick your ass! Have fun breaking my best friends heart." Before he could answer I hung up. My phone buzzed and it was a message from Dakota. The only words it graced were 'I'm Sorry'. I calmed myself down and went back up the stairs. I tapped on Rose's door and went in. She smiled at me slightly. "Does he feel guilty?" I nodded. "You're damn right he does." She laughed a little and held out her arms for me to hug her. I did and my phone went off. "Who are you and what the hell do you want?!" I asked digging my phone from my pocket. It was Adam. "Yes my in the neck?" I answered sarcastically putting my phone on speaker. "I was gonna ask if you guys would be okay with me and some others coming to see you but I may just take it back for that answer." He joked. "No please don't! We wanna see you guys! Who are we talking about anyway?" Rose said franticly. He chucked. "Okay! Okay! We will. Its gonna be me, Ty, Jerome, Mitch, Quentin and some special people I'm not allowed to tell you about!" Jason raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean people you're not allowed to talk about?" "You know them already but the girls don't; well at least one of them." "I'm not even gonna ask. When are you gonna be here?" I said shaking my head. "In a couple days. So I guess I'll see you all then cause I gotta go!" We all agreed and said good-bye. Okay so two people we know and one we don't. Who the heck is Adam talking about? Guess we'll see Friday.

*~•Magical Majestic Time Skip•~*

The doorbell rang at about 11 am and I raced Rose down the stairs to answer it. I got to the door first and stuck my tongue out at her like a 5 year old. I opened the door and saw Adam and the rest of the Team Crafted except thee who shall not be named. "Hey!" I let them in and hugged Adam. I saw the smallest but of jealous on Jason's face but he got rid of it when I smiled at him. Adam and I were close but not like that. "Who are the mystery people you couldn't tell us about?" Rose asked after she said hi to the others as did I. "Well there's the two you know." Quentin said gesturing to Annie (The Mudkips GF aka Vengelfe) and Dawn (Yeah I know she and Adam aren't together but they are here alright! Dawn was an inspiration to me and I want her in here!). "And this is the one you don't know. This is Jocelyn." Ty said putting his arm around a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes like mine. She waved shyly. I smiled at her. "If you've gotten to know this bunch of asylum escapees then Rose and I are like the little bunnies in pet shops." She laughed. "I beg to differ." Ty mumbled. I shot him a glared and he put up his hands in defense. "Kidding! Kidding!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. We settled them in two rooms, 4 in each. "Ima go in the pool! Who wants to join me?!" Rose shouted up the stairs. Everyone answered with 'Yes' or 'I will' and I nodded at her and went to change.

I splashed my feet in the water and it hit Jason. "Hey!" He turned around and I giggled. "Sorry babe." He smiled. "Are you gonna get in or sit on the edge the entire time?" I shrugged. "Maybe. I might." He chuckled and shook his head. "Alright. Have fun." He turned and swam away. Just as he did I felt two hands on my back and fell forward. I screamed then held my breath as water surrounded me. I surfaced and saw Mitch and Jerome laughing beside the pool. "You jerks!" They laughed harder and made the mistake of holding out their hands to help me out. Rose swam over and helped me pull them in. I heard a shriek and turned as Jocelyn tumbled into the water. Ty was to blame for that. I climbed out and went behind Ty pushing him from behind as Jocelyn pulled him forward. I went to the small diving board and jumped off. Rose followed and attempted to dive. She surfaced and I laughed. "That was more a belly flop than a dive. Like a belly flop of justice." She pouted but laughed and splashed me. I splashed her back and it turned into a war between us all. We spend about an hour out.

Rose's POV:

I laid out on one of the chairs and tried to blur out what happened a couple days ago. He was no good for me. I guess he didn't love me enough to not cheat. But it wouldn't be the first time. I've dated a good bit of guys but I'm not a whore by any means. I've been cheated on before and Natilee taught that ass his lesson pretty quick. I sighed and heard footsteps. They sounded like they stopped I front if me but I ignored it thinking it was Nat. That was until I was tickled. I shot open my eyes quickly laughing an saw Jerome. "Stop!" I laughed wiggling in the chair an falling on my knees to the ground. I got up and ran toward the house. He caught up laughing myself and snatched me up from behind. He spin me around and continued to tickle me. I made got out of his grip and ran inside the house and slipped on a puddle by the wooden-floored kitchen entrance and fell on the carpet in the living room. I'm talented what can I say. I tried to get back up but hit the ground again when pain shot through my ankle. Jerome caught up with me again and kneeled beside me. "You alright." I shook my head. "My ankle hurts really bad." He smiled slightly and nodded. "Then I'll help you." He put an arm under my knees and the other on my back. I felt myself blush a little then put my arms around his neck. "Thank you." I said shyly. Jerome chuckled. "Its totally fine." We got into my room and he set me down slowly on my bed. "You need anything?" He smiled. "No I'm fine. Just could you let Nat know for me? She was studying medical stuff for a little while before we got the partnership deal. She'll know whatever the hell to do with this thing." He chuckled and sat beside me. "I already did. She said she'd be up in a minute." I nodded and felt him put my arm around my waist. I looked up at him and he leaned closer. I thought about Dakota and all he put me though for a split second and made a decision that could change a lot in my life.

Natilee's POV: I walked up the stairs with an ice pack and a corn bag. {For those of you that aren't from the south or don't know what that is its literally a bag like fabric form with treated corn in it that you out in the microwave. Nowadays it's these bead things that are in sack things that you heat up. You get the point} I heard a chuckle and smiled. Jerome told me when we were at Mitch's that he liked Rose. I was a little shocked but happy. Dakota was a good guy don't get me wrong but something about him didn't settle right with him and Rose. I somewhat expected that he'd do what he did. I got up to Rose's room and walked in almost spilling ice all over the floor. I gasped and startled Rose who pulled out of the kiss she was in. She turned as red as a tomato and just stared at me. I set down the ice and corn bag on her desk and started backing out the room. "Ice then heat; Alternate every 5 or 10 minutes and then later we can wrap it up or put it in a brace." I said quickly and ran out the door and down the stairs. I slowed down as I got to the living room and sat on the couch. Jason looked at me like I was crazy. "You okay? What happened up there?" "I'm fine. And nothing just took her that stuff and told her what to do with it." I heard Jerome come down the stairs and met him in the kitchen. "Hey. Pink's not your color hun." He smiled and wiped his mouth. "Good?" I winked and went into the living room. This was gonna be a fun secret to keep for a while.

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