New and Old

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Before the chapter starts I wanna say that the picnic date idea came from the brilliant but sometimes scary mind of Chey_Elaine13. Any One Direction fans I have can go check out her book Beating. And just to be clear, when what happened in the last chapter came around they had been together for a year or two. Because some people *cough* Chey *cough* Hunter *cough* were confused. Ok now I'll let you start reading! ~Halo


The next day after what happened I Skyped Sammy and Lizzy to tell them. Sammy picked up the call and waved at me. "Hey!" "Hey! I have something really important to tell you and Liz." I smiled. "Okay give Liz a second and while we wait I need to tell you something too. Louis and I got to know each other better and he asked me out a couple nights ago!" "That's great Sam! I'm so glad he asked." Out of nowhere Lizzy popped into the frame. "I want donuts." I laughed and heard Jason laugh from behind me at his desk. "What?!" Lizzy sat down beside Sam and repeated herself. "I said I want donuts. I'm craving powdered sugar donuts." Sam rolled her eyes. "We'll get some later. But what did you need to tell us Nat?" "Okay. Jason come here." He came over and I made sure they could see him. "Jason and I are engaged." I said shyly waiting on Lizzy's reaction; which were usually very spazzy and involved a lot of flailing. She did just as I thought she would and danced a little in her chair. "Yay! I'm so happy for you guys!" Sammy was a little more calm but still very happy. "That's great. Jason you better take care of her." I laughed. "Don't worry I just got off with Riley and she went through her list of threats." "Figured she had." Lizzy said sitting still. "But I also want you guys to be bridesmaids." They both accepted and had to go so I sent them on their way.

Few months later----------------------------------------------

"Rose what the hell are you doing?" I asked laughing at her. "Climbing the tree stupid. What does it look like?!" "Why?" She hoped down with and apple in her hand. "I wanted this." She cleaned it off and bit into it. We were in the back yard and when Rose and I had first moved in we planted an apple tree. I rolled my eyes then heard Lizzy yell. "What are you doing?! What are you doing?! What are you doing?!" And wiggling her fingers with her hands up. I heard Harry laugh and turned to see her saying it to Niall as he started to ruffle her hair. Yes, Harry Styles and Niall Horan. The whole band came to the states with the girls since they had free time and were actually good to have around. Rose's phone went off with Kung Fu Fighting and I rolled my eyes as she answered. She said alright and then bye and ended the call. "Who was that?" Jerome asked walking and hugging Rose from behind. "Riley. She said she'd be here in about 5 or 10 minutes. Depending on the cabs speed." I sighed. "I wish she would have called and told me she landed I would have gone and got her." Rose shrugged. "It's Riley. She's stubborn. But we love her!" Rose walked off then came back and set a binder on the table. Inside was a battered notebook with hers, Sammy's, Riley's, Lizzy's and my names written on the cover. "You remember this?" I nodded. "This is the notebook thing me started in middle school for each time we did something stupid or funny or aweseome we wrote it down and anything it had with it, like pictures and stuff, we taped in there. She flipped through the other 5 or 6 notebooks under the one on top then shut the binder and laid it in my arms. "Your something old my lady." I smiled and hugged her then heard "You sir need to calm your mammaries!" I turned around slowly and made a funny face at Sammy who was fussing at Jason. "What did you?" I asked. Jason shrugged. "I don't know. I just asked if she needed help." I faced palmed and shook my head. "Sam he's trying to be nice let him help you." She scrunched her face causing Lizzy and I to laugh. Rose wasn't paying attention just staring towards the front of the house. "Uh. Rose? Whatcha doin'?" Liz asked slowly walking over to her and raising her hand to wave it in her face. "I heard a car door shut. I think Riley's here." "Okay." I said weirdly walking into the house just as someone knocked on the door. I turned around to Rose who was following behind me. "Do you like have dog hearing? Is there something you haven't told us about?" She grinned. "No I'm just good like that." I answered the door and sure enough there was Riley. "Hi!" She said excitedly. "I like her shirt!" Adam shouted pointing at Ri's Batman shirt. She blushed slightly. "Well thank you." I shut the door and went to let the others know she was here. "Hey, somebody else is here." Riley said from the doorway as she came to meet the others. I nodded and went to answer it. When I opened the door I hear bodies tense behind me. "D-Dakota?"

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