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Rose's POV:

"D-Dakota?" I stuttered. The silence was erie and I had blocked out everybody else but him until Jerome walked in. "Hey Rose who-" He stopped mid-sentence. I knew that Dakota had seen the pictures of Jerome and I together; he even retweeted when I told the fans. He seriously didn't expect me to take him back did he? He cheated on me for God's sake. Which I don't blame Erica at all, she's a sweet girl and didn't even know we were together. "What do you want?" Natilee said harshly breaking the silence. Dakota rubbed the back of his neck. "Can I talk to Rose? Outside here?" Natilee looked at me cautiously. I nodded and went outside shutting the door and shooing Liz and Nat away from the window. "Rose," "Save it. Okay. If you're here expecting me to take you back it's not happening. You cheated on me! Plus Jerome actually cares about me; he protects me and loves me. I know we weren't together long but I at least you'd kiss me once! Even if it was on the cheek. I just can't take you back." He sighed. "Thats what I was afraid of. All I can say at this point is I'm sorry. But can we at least be friends still. I know your fans are wondering where I went just like mine. Tell Natilee and Jason I said congratulations. Just let me know what's going on when you decide." He turned to walk away but I grabbed his arm. "Wait. We can be friends still. We can just try and forget any of it happened." He smiled and nodded. "I can do that." We hugged and he left. I went back in and looked at Nat. "I'm not repeating because I know you read my lips and his and told them." I walked back out to the backyard.


This was short because I just wanted to end the cliffhanger and let you know that as of tomorrow I won't have my phone until idk when. So yeah... Share and show some love. I'll update as soon as I can.


Not Just A Star, But His Universe (TrueMU/Deadlox/Sky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now