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Jason's POV:

"Natilee. You almost ready?" I called to her slipping the ring box in my pocket quickly. "Yes I am." She walked out in a pink and purple dress that went down to about the middle of her thigh. {Picture of dress to the side} "You look beautiful, as usual." I smiled and walked over to her. "You do know you're wasting your breath right?" She bowed her head. "Why am I wasting my breath?" She lifted her head and looked at me. "Because I'm not beautiful." "I don't know why you're so unconfident and beat yourself up. You're beautiful, funny and amazing Natilee." "I love you but you're still wasting your time telling me this stuff." She hung her head again. I lifted her chin and kissed her. I pulled away and she smiled a little. "You done now?" She smirked. I nodded and we left. We got in the car and Natilee turned to me. "Where are we going anyway?" I started the car and smiled. "Can't tell you." She made a funny face. "Why?" She whined. I laughed. "Keep going on about it and I'll blind fold you now." Her eyes widen and she faced forward. "I'm good." I smirked. "Actually, you know what, I'm gonna blind fold you now." Nat held up her hands and tried to fight me off. "Stop Nat!" I laughed. I finally got her hands above her head and her eyes covered. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Screw you." "Maybe later." I heard her gasp and chuckled.

Natilee's POV:

I knew it had been at least a half hour since we left and I'm not a patient person. "Are you taking me to the middle of nowhere or something?" I questioned Jason. "Relax love. We're here." I smiled at the nickname he used. He got out the car and came over to the passengers side. I felt his hands untie the cloth gently and it fell away. The sun was setting to the side and the sound of crashing waves filling the salty air around us. Jason smiled at me and helped me out. He grabbed my hand and lead me down a path between the rocks. There was a blanket on the sand with a picnic laid out. "What's all this?" I smiled. "I wanted to do something special." We sat and he took his phone out of his pocket and put it on a speaker dock. "What're you doing?" "Playing a playlist I made." He smiled. He hit play and we went through the date. Sleeping With Sirens' cover of Iris started to play. {Video to the side (:} I lip synced the lyrics softly listening to Kellin's soft voice. Towards the end of the song another voice started to sing the song and I turned to Jason and smiled. He turned the volume down and started to sing to me. I leaned against him and he pulled me close. I looked down at my watch and saw it was midnight. I let the song end then spoke. "I love this so much but it's getting really late." Jason nodded and stood. "But before we go I want to ask you something." "Sure go ahead." I answered taking his hand to stand up. I looked away for a second to make sure my dress was straight and when I turned back to Jason he was down on one knee. "Wha-?" I stuttered. He took out a black velvet box from his jacket pocket. "Natilee, Will you marry me?" I was speechless and I could tell Jason was getting worried. "Yes! Yes! Of course!" He got up and slid the ring on my finger. I hugged him then kissed him with all I had. Here we go!

Not Just A Star, But His Universe (TrueMU/Deadlox/Sky fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now