Chapter Seven

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Here we go (:


Zak's P.O.V

Hell yeah I ran like a maniac out of her house.

'What the hell was that Zak?' I need to control myself around her but ever since I first lay eyes on Annie, she had my heart. I'm not the one to fall fast so when I looked into her blue eyes for the first time, I didn't recognize the feeling. No girl has ever had this effect on me and it just had to be my student? I'm a sick idiot.

I finally got into my house and I paced back and forth, rubbing the back of my neck. I had to get a hold of myself. I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face and stared at myself in the mirror. Okay, this is going to be easy. I'll fill my time so I don't think about her when I'm at my house. That way I'm not tempted to go over there. Right, this is good.

I went into the living room to grab my cell and called Greg as quickly as I could. He answered on the Forth ring. "Damn, I didn't think you were going to answer there for a second." It came out all wrong, my voice didn't sound right. It sounded nothing like me.

"What's wrong man, you seem shaken up?" Greg is my best friend; of course he can tell when I'm having an off night.

"Nothing man, what are you doing?"

"Just got back from the store. Why?"

"You want to come over and see my new place? Bring alcohol." I held my head in my hand

"Okay, now I know something's wrong, you haven't had a sip of alcohol since college. Don't say any more, I'll be over there in 15"

"Thanks man" and the line went dead. I didn't even try to get up from the spot I was at. I didn't trust my feet and I'm pretty sure they'd lead me over to Annie's house again.

It seemed like hours before I heard the doorbell. I jumped up and opened the door to find Greg holding a bottle of vodka, no mixers. We normally take shots of straight vodka when we are having a hard time. Greg brought exactly what I needed.

"Okay dude, what the hell has you drinking?" Greg took out every single shot glass I had, which ended up being about five and poured vodka in each. He lined them up across the counter and motioned me over.

Here goes nothing. I downed the first one, problem still existed. I didn't stop, the second one burned less though but after the burn; Annie flooded my mind. Third one followed immediately. Fourth and Fifth went down almost together.

Resting my arms on the counter as the alcohol spread through my body I know Greg was waiting for an answer. But how could I tell him? He would just think I'm a sick piece of shit. He knows me as the player. I always could handle my women.

Not this one. She's a different story.

Annie's P.O.V.

The next morning I didn't feel like trying. My hair was decent enough and I put on some lounge pants, a hooded sweatshirt and flip flops. I didn't feel like texting Cara; I just knew I had to get out of here before she showed up.

Walking outside, only one thing was on my mind. I glanced next door but his Audi was nowhere to be found. I sighed and got into my car, slowly making my way to school. Today is going to be hell. Thoughts of last night came rushing back to the surface. How could he almost kiss me and then leave me? Especially after yesterday afternoon. Heartless jerk. He has my emotions all screwed up. I'm hurt by Jason but hurt by Zak more for some reason.

I drove into the back parking lot only to have my worst fear right in front of me. Jason and Amber full on making out in front of everyone. This is a sick joke. It has to be. The only reason he's with her because she's probably putting out when I didn't. I had to much respect to drop my pants for Jason. Yeah I loved him but that feeling just wasn't there, hasn't been there with any guy.

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