Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I felt Zak shifting in the bed next to me and when I opened my eyes, the room was completely dark. His arms were wrapped around me protectively. I heard a faint sound coming from the closed bathroom and lifted my head up some.

“What’s that?” Speaking softly to not startle him.

“How are you feeling?” He leaned up and kissed my cheek.

“Great.” I shifted over and my body felt extremely tense. I couldn’t help but to let out a small groan as I stretched some. “A little sore I think.”

He nodded and eased out of bed before scooping me up into his arms effortlessly, a sheet covering my bare body. He pushed the bathroom door opened where the tub was slowly filling up with water and bubbles.

“This should make you feel a little bit better.” He stood me on my feet and motioned for me to get in.

“Come in with me.”I pulled him closer to me.

He studied my expression and brought his hands up to the sheet that was tucked under my arms. He leaned down and kissed my neck softly as he pulled the sheet from me. “Are you sure?” He mumbled against my skin.

I nodded and pressed my body against him more. “Please.”

He wasted no time sliding his boxers down and pulling me into the tub with him, placing me in front of him so I could lean back against him.

I was a little lost for words. I mean, what do you say after you have sex? I knew I wasn’t his first, but I kinda wanted to know if I completely sucked. I didn’t really do anything, right?

Zak matched up our hands and intertwined our fingers together. “What are you thinking about?” He asked cautiously.

I sighed, not really wanting to tell him what my mind was going through.

He leaned up and rested his chin on my shoulder, awaiting my answer.

“Um.” I cleared my throat softly. “Did you..I mean..Was it..okay?”

He lifted his chin from my shoulder and pulled one hand up to my face, turning it some towards him.

“Annie, it was amazing. You were amazing. Why would you think any different?” I gazed into his piercing eyes and instantly calmed down.

“I just, I know I wasn’t your first…”

“No, but you were my best. No one can ever compare to you.”

I started to breathe a little easier.  “Thank you.”

He pulled me more back against him and buried his face in my hair, breathing deeply.

As the water started turning colder, I could see the sun peak through the bathroom window blinds. I’m guessing I woke up just before my alarm would normally sound.

We got out of the tub and finished getting ready for school. I ran over and got changed at my house when Zak left for school.

Before I left, I made sure I had my sheet music for the song I wrote for the talent show. Since we had rehearsals after school, I needed to make sure Cara and Shelly had a copy. I had to request a closed rehearsal and give a fake song to Zak so he wouldn’t hear it before the night of.

-After school-

My plan I conjured up on avoiding Cara was working. We had every class together, but I just kept talk short with her. I wasn’t really sure how to tell her I lost my virginity to our teacher. Plus as soon as she knew, Greg would know and the jokes would come pouring in.

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