Chapter Seventeen

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 Zak opened his door and led me into his basement where the instruments were strung out. Over in the corner was a small couch that Bentley claimed immediately upon entering the room.

He pulled me over to the couch and shooed Bentley away as he pulled me down onto his lap. I had one leg on either side of his body; straddling him. His hands rubbed from my hips to my lower back and to my hips again. My arms rested on his shoulders as I tangled my fingers in his messy brown hair.

“Hi.” he smiled.


You might think it was awkward, but it was FAR from it. We were enjoying ourselves in each other’s hold. We stared into each other’s eyes for a while before I leaned down to the crook of his neck and planted soft kisses.

He tensed up when I went to pull away and he held me there, silently telling me he wanted more. I kissed his neck a couple of more times before I started to suck and give tiny love bites. A low moan sounded from Zak’s lips. It was deep and sensual. I started to feel my core burn for him. Never have I ever felt this way by a guy that I was bringing pleasure to.

He grabbed my face gently with his hands and crashed his lips onto mine. He was feeling the same amount of pleasure I was due to the urgency of his kiss. Before he could lick my bottom lip fully, I opened and took control.

He growled and tipped me over so he was lying on top of me but keeping his weight on his elbow.

‘Some one likes to have control’ I thought to myself. I smiled into the kiss.

His hands caressed my body with delicacy. Every touch was simple and much needed. My hands went from around his neck and down to his abs slowly, feeling his muscles tense as I ran across them.

His hands slowly went to the hem of my shirt and he pulled back to look into my eyes, searching my face for an answer.

I nodded and pulled him back into the kiss. His hand eased up my shirt and left a trail of fire due to the sparks he was causing. To be honest I’ve been this far with only two other guys’, but I’ve never felt this sure before. My heart was racing beyond belief; my body was aching for his touch. The whole teacher student thing was nowhere in my mind. He was simply the man I was falling head over heels for.

He was almost to the bottom of my bra when we heard a throat clear. Zak looked up and the guys were hovered over us; looking quite amused. I blushed drastically and hid my face in his chest. I felt him chuckle.

“Look, we can come back if y’all are busy..” Greg said through his laughter. I heard the other guys join in. whispering to each other.


“Want me to get you some water?” He ignored Greg and helped me up off the couch.

“No thank you, I’ll go get it.” I recovered myself and bolted out the door and up the steps.

When I got into the kitchen, I rested against the counter. My breathing was still heavy and my face felt hotter than ever.

I opened the fridge and reached for a bottled water when Greg entered the room.

“Hey Annie!”

“Hey, are you all about to start?”

He nodded and propped up against the counter beside me.

“You know, Annie. I’ve never seen Zak act this way before. It’s refreshing to see him happy.” I smiled. Greg seemed to be reassuring me of Zak’s feelings.

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