Chapter Six

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I really hope people start finding out about this story soon. I miss my fans.



Oh thank God for that.

He was running towards me, a weird expression covering his gorgeous face and I almost forgot why I was out here. He went down on his knees, gently touching my back. I fought as much as I could, but I was devastated. He put his hands on the side of my face, his touch was so light but it still provided sparks to engulf me.

"Look at me Annie."

I closed my eyes, trying to prevent myself from getting upset. Why him, why did he have to follow me? Even though I was extremely relieved to see him, I didn't want him to see me like this.

"Please look at me.. Please." He begged as he wiped some runaway tears with his thumbs. I hesitated before opening my eyes and focusing on him again.

"I'm sorry you had to see that in there, Jason is a low life piece of shit."

I saw something in Zak's eyes; he looked more pissed off than I was. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer, trying to calm me down as I crumbled into his chest. He was warm and it made me feel better. I didn't want to move from this position for as long as I lived. He stroked my hair and rocked me a little bit as I let some of my anger, sadness and betrayal out.

It took every ounce of me to pull away from him. I looked into his eyes as he finished wiping my tears away. "C..Can you take me home?"

He paused for a moment and shook his head. "Yeah, let's go get your things."

We got up from the track and headed for the gym. He trailed behind me but didn't stray too far. By now the pep rally would be over and students would be leaving.

"I'll go get my car and meet you back here, okay?"

I nodded and gave him a weak smile.

As soon as I opened my locker and started gathering my things, Amber came around the corner and propped against the locker next to mine.

"Oh Annie! I'm so happy you finally found out about us. I didn't want you to find out like this, but after you punched me, you deserved the humiliation."

I chose to ignore her. I can't and won't let her get the best of me. I mean, I could do some serious damage to her right about now but what good would that do? She'll still be just as ugly as she is this very moment. I honestly couldn't take it out on her. Yeah, she messed up and I'm sure she did it on purpose but Jason was the one to blame. He's the one who should get the wrath. And one day, he might.

But for now, it's time to just walk out and let it be. The surprise on Amber's face was priceless when I walked right past her like she wasn't even there.

I found Zak sitting in a black Audi. He gave me a small smile as I opened the car door, climbing in and feeling the warm leather against my legs. Just being near him made all the problems seem small, but no matter how small it was still burning inside me.

"You okay Annie?"

I shook my head no and stared out the window while he pulled out of the parking lot. As he drove, I noticed him stealing glances of me. I felt exhausted and weak so I didn't ask him; I just needed the silence to let my mind process what happened.

The car came to a stop and the engine died, I just couldn't force myself to open my eyes. The passenger car door opened and I was lifted up into Zak's arms, bridal style. I pulled myself closer to him, not wanting to ever let him go as he reached the door. He walked straight in without hesitation. I'm guessing he found my keys and opened the door before getting me. He laid me down of the sofa and I grabbed his shirt before he could pull away.

"Please don't leave me Mr. Stone."

Not bothering to open my eyes but for a second to try and convince him further, if needed. But he slipped beside me, facing me. It was obvious by the feeling his minty breath on my face and his arms around me, trying to keep his distance as much as he could. His relaxed breathing put me to ease. Just before I fell back asleep, he kissed my forehead and left his lips there for a few seconds. I shuttered a little before shifting my head closer to him, taking in his sweet scent.

I heard him mumble against my skin even though he thought I was asleep. "God, two days..two days and I'm hooked."

When I woke up, it was dark outside. I felt my heart drop, I'm alone again. A sigh escaped from my lips that I couldn't hold back; my heart was aching. Suddenly I heard a bang in the kitchen. I jolted upright and froze. After controlling my heavy breathing, I got up slowly and walked down the hall in a defensive mode. I peeked around the corner and found Zak stirring something in a pot. The wonderful smell hit me like a ton of bricks and I smiled. He looked so content standing there and I didn't want to scare him. I cleared my throat as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. He put the spoon down and pressed his back against the counter.

"Well look who's finally awake." He smirked.

"How long was I out?" I started running my fingers through my hair as he looked down at his watch.

"About two hours."

His gaze raked my body and then finally met my eyes. I looked down and noticed I was still in my dance uniform and suddenly felt naked. I held up a finger, knowing I wasn't dressed appropriately. I went and got the blanket from the sofa and wrapped myself in it like a cape.  My phone started to light up and I grabbed it, ignoring the call immediately. I jumped onto the counter across from where the stove sat.

"What are you cooking?" I go, breaking the silence that was heavy in the air.

"Pasta, hope that's okay?" His voice had an amused tone with it. Zak turned to look at me and our eyes met.

"Are you okay, Annie?"

I shrugged, picking at my fingers while I answered. "I felt like I was the last to know."

"Not to bust your bubble, but you probably were. Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't see the signs. You have a good heart, Annie. You might just be a little too innocent for your own good." He smiled at me like he knew it would make me feel better, which it did.

"Thanks Mr." He narrowed his eyes at me. I cleared my throat before correcting myself. "Thank you Zak" I said through my smile.

He didn't speak as he came over to the sink right beside me to drain the noodles. He was still in his dress shirt, dark jeans and tie looking very uncomfortable, but to me he looked sexy as hell. His muscles were visible in his button down shirt; I could almost see his defined abs begging to be touched. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows in a messy way. I giggled a little bit and smiled at him. He looked down confusingly.

"What, did I spill something on me?"

I shook my head and grabbed his tie, making him come in front of me between my legs. I loosened his tie up a little before looking into his deep pools of grey. My hands froze around the knot as I lost all train of thought. All I could remember is biting my lip. He was standing extremely close to me, his hands rested on either side of the counter by my thighs. His breath flowing onto my face made my heart pump faster. He looked down at my lips and immediately back into my eyes. I could tell he was in deep thought, I just couldn't tell what it meant. He leaned in a little closer to me and I couldn't help but pull his tie towards me and press my thighs against his side. His hands came up to my legs, holding them firmly while his thumbs drew circles. I moved closer and rested my forehead on his, trying to calm my quick breaths. He moved forward slightly and his lips brushed against mine and my heart skipped beats as the sparks flew through my body.

He pulled back quickly before allowing himself to kiss me. I was dumbfounded and had to blink a couple of times. I can't believe I almost kissed my teacher. Not only is it against the school rules, but it's illegal, I'm only 16. I forced myself to look at him and he was against the counter with his back towards me. He had his head in his hands.


I spoke so quiet it surprised me when he jerked his head up. His wide eyes spoke for him. He knew it was wrong and I could tell he thought it was a mistake.

"I'm sorry Annie, I...I should go."

He rushed for the front door before I could get any words out of my mouth. And just like that, he was gone.

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