Chapter Two

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Number two!!

I realize that it's not exactly how you remember, but I'm trying to make it flow easier and edit at the same time!

Fan/vote and comment. Let's get this story where it used to be!



Before I could get set up, the intercom chimed in the room and everyone fell silent.

“Mrs. Means will not be here this year.”

He paused knowing the class would groan and complain.

“Mr. Stone will be with you shortly, please behave until he makes it to class.”

I wonder what happened. Mrs. Means was an amazing teacher. She was in good health, young, active. It just doesn't seem right. For her to just up and leave is extremely out of character.

I just hope everything was okay.

I sat upfront on the edge of the stage strumming the guitar, making sure it was in tune and ready to go.

After a few people called out some requests, I decided to go with Rihanna’s 'What's my name.' It was pretty good tempo, something a bit upbeat and fun. Definitely a crowd pleaser.

I barely got into the song before I noticed the door opening. Since everyone was facing away from it, I was the only one noticing someone entering the room.

Right off hand I could tell he was a teacher but it wasn't one of those old hairy teachers you always seem to end up with. No, this guy, and I say guy because he appears to be in his early twenties, had on a black button down shirt that was un-tucked, and a cream colored tie that was hanging lose around his neck. He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a smirk plastered across his face. His brown hair was swept across his forehead, daring to hide those heart breaking eyes.

It was like heaven all wrapped up in one being, if that was even possible. But looking at him, I would swear it was.

Trying to focus on the song became harder and harder. I was used to people watching me, I'm definitely not afraid of having the attention on me. But his attention gave me butterflies. His gaze upon me made my mind threaten to go blank. All I could do was send a silent prayer to get through this song, and quick.

I think it would've been okay if I could've kept my eyes from wondering up to him. It was almost as if an unknown force was pulling my focus to him. He didn't seem to mind anyways, every time I'd meet his eyes, his smile would get a tad bigger.

It took forever it seemed to finally make it through the song, but I did. Most of everyone, including him clapped. Of course Amber and her followers didn't make any movements from doing their hair and nails. I didn't need their approval, hell I didn't need anyone’s but his.

Once the applause died down, he kept clapping as everyone turned to see who it was. At least Amber was focused on something other than herself or Jason for once. Of course, all the girls then realized what I realized two minutes ago; that this man was breath taking.

All the guys definitely noticed the change in the girls and went into defense mode. I didn't really notice due to me concentrating at the top of the stairs that Jason got up from his seat until he pulled me into a hug.

It seemed as though something flashed through the teachers eyes when he saw me in Jason's arms. But that was probably just my imagination.

Wait, is this all imaginary. Maybe I'm dreaming. That would completely explain the little piece of god's gift walking this way.

“Please take your seats. My name is Mr. Stone and I'm afraid that every one of you will be stuck with me for at least the rest of the year.”

Nope. He's real.

All the girls in the class giggled in excitement and he smirked as he made his way down in front of us. I looked around to the male population and they all gave each other annoyed glances, obviously not too happy with the new addition. Jason grabbed my hand, interlocking my fingers with his and sat our joined hands on the desk. I looked at him confusingly and realized he was having a staring contest with Mr. Stone. Mr. Stone glanced down at our hands and then broke free of his gaze.

“Okay, I’m going to call role, just raise your hand when you hear your name”

I leaned over to Jason who looked uncomfortable and over jealous.

“Down cowboy. What’s with the intense looks?”

“Damn teacher keeps looking at you.”

“Come on Jason; be for real, he’s a teacher.”

Jason looked at me and loosened his grip on my hand.

“You’re right baby doll.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead, finally easing up his tense posture.

"Annie Evans."


Mr. Stone looked at me and seemed to suppress a smile as he continued calling roll.

“Okay, so free day. You can ask me some questions if you’d like.”

Hands bolted up everywhere, mostly from girls asking predicable questions.

“How old are you?”

Someone from the back called out.


He smirked again. Seven years older than me, I wouldn't have even guessed he was that old. More like 21 if you ask me.

“Are you single?”

Amber chimed in.

“Yes, very single. Even though it doesn’t matter to any of you.”

His eyes met mine again and I looked away first this time.

The double class passed quickly and before I knew it, the bell rang.

“Okay class, start working on some solos, you got to out show Ms. Evans over here.”

He looked straight at me with a soft expression that would melt anyone’s heart.

“You did great today Annie.”

I blushed a deep red and smiled at him.

“Thanks Mr. Stone.”

"Anytime; now go, all of you."

He waved towards the door and made himself busy with some papers.

I was the last one out; I couldn't really explain it but I definitely didn't want to leave. Something about him intrigued me. I wanted to talk to him, to get to know him.

No, not wanted; I needed to get to know him.

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